
Promotions & Coupons

  • Promotions are any merchandising tags applied to a given product or set of products on your RenCommerce website
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Promotions
  • Click "Add New+" complete all required fields and use the informative tooltips located in this area to guide you through the process
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon and navigate to the "Promotions" tab
  • Click "Add Promotions" then select the promotion of your choice, set the scheduling and product price if applicable to that promotion
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon and navigate to the "Promotions" tab
  • Under "View Promotions" delete the promotion you wish to remove
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Promotions
  • In the top right corner, click "Tools" and select "Export Products Tagged with Promotions" to download the Excel with tagged products
  • On this Excel you can update existing promotional details or add products to existing or new promotions
  • Add desired SKU's to Column A and the desired Promotion Code to Column B
    • Please note that the Promotion Code column on the spreadsheet must match the Promotion Code column in the Promotions area of the Dashboard exactly
  • If you wish to update or remove a product's promotional pricing, under Column C "Promotion Price" update the price to the desired amount or replace the existing amount with a 0 and the pricing will be calculated as determined by your markup
  • If you wish to remove a product from a promotion, under Column I "Delete" change 0 to 1
  • Once all changes have been made, the Excel file must be saved as a .XLS and then you may import it back into the Dashboard using "Import Products Tagged with Promotions" within "Tools" of the Promotions area of the Dashboard
  • If you wish to see a sample of how the spreadsheet should be filled out, you may export the file "Download Sample Product Promotion File" within "Tools" of the Promotions area of the Dashboard
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Pages
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon and navigate to the "Template" field and click the drop-down
  • Scroll to "Promotion Template" and select the desired promotion
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • As you update the given promotion, the page will update as well
  • Information for adding content to a page can be found under CMS Pages FAQ "How do I create a new CMS Page?"
  • Information for adding/removing a link to the menu can be found under Menu FAQ "How do I add/remove a link in a menu?"
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Promotions
  • Click on "Assign Product Sort Order"
  • Choose promotions from the "Available Promotions" section by clicking the checkbox and then clicking "Add". The selections will appear to the right where you can drag and drop to sort the promotions in the order that you want them to appear with the category thumbnail area of the website.
  • When completed, click "Save"
  • Please Note: The above can also be done to sort brands within this same area and following the same steps.
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website, navigate to CRM > Targeted Marketing > CRM Modules > Coupon and click on "Add New+"
  • Under the "General Settings" tab, all required information is marked with a red "*" and there are tooltips next to each field to assist you should you have additional questions
  • Under the "Price Setting" tab you will see the options for the type of coupon that you can create (Discount, Shipping or Tax). All required information is marked with a red "*" and there are tooltips next to each field to assist you should you have additional questions
  • Under the "Restriction Setting" you can set the terms of your coupon. All required information is marked with a red "*" and there are tooltips next to each field to assist you should you have additional questions
  • You may display your coupons on a page, within the menu and/or as a banner graphic
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Pages
  • Click "Add New+", navigate to the "Template" field and click the drop-down
  • Scroll to "Module Template" and select "Coupon". This will allow all active coupons that you've set to be visible on the front end of the website to appear on this page. You must first add content to the editor before you can save the page
  • Information for adding content to a page can be found under CMS Pages FAQ "How do I create a new CMS Page?"
  • Click "Submit" after you've selected the template and added the page content
  • As you update the coupons, the page will update as well
  • Information for adding/removing a link to the menu can be found under Menu FAQ "How do I add/remove a link in a menu?"
  • Information for uploading and linking banners can be found under the Banners FAQ's "How do I upload banners?" and "How do I link a banner to a page on my website?" respectively