

  • Create a graphic that matches the current dimensions of your current banners at 72dpi and then follow the steps below. Please note banner graphics should be no larger than 150MB in size a .jpeg or .png file extension and can be compressed further using https://squoosh.app
    • You may drag and drop images from the gallery onto your desktop to determine the exact dimensions of your website's banners before creating a new one
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Content > Banners, under the "Actions" column of "Homepage Slider", click "Edit"
  • Click "Select Images" and upload your graphics to the pop-up window, please note that your file name cannot have any spaces or special characters. An acceptable file name is Homepage-Banner-1.jpeg
  • If you create any new folders, the are not permitted to have spaces or special characters in the name. An acceptable file name is Homepage-Banners
  • Double-click the desired banner image to add it to the gallery
  • Determine the settings of each banner
    • Title: This is specifically for website users who are visually impaired and need devices to read graphic titles on website. Please use precise verbiage and calls to action
    • From Date/To Date: If you wish for your banner to run for specific period of time, use this function
    • Always Show: If you do not have a start/end date, keep this toggled on, if not, toggle off and use From Date/ To Date
    • Sort: This is the order the banners will appear on the front end of the website
    • Hyperlink: This is where the banner will link to, either interally within the website or externally to a third-party website
    • Target: Select "New Window" to link to a third-party website or "Same Window" if the link is a page within the website
    • Device: You can create separate graphics that are mobile friendly if you wish and choose if you want the graphic(s) to show just on Mobile, just Desktop or Both
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Content > Banners, under the "Actions" column of "Homepage Slider", click "Edit"
  • Add the desired slug to the "Hyperlink" field within Banner settings
  • Information on slugs can be found under Menus FAQ "What is a slug?"
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Content > Banners, under the "Actions" column of "Homepage Slider", click "Edit"
  • "Always Show" will be the default option selected, should you wish to change that, toggle off this option and set a schedule under "From Date" and "To Date"
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Information on custom banners can be found under Design FAQ "What is the cost for Marketing Collateral?"
  • To view click here
  • Information on custom banners can be found under Design FAQ "What is the cost for Marketing Collateral?"
  • To view click here

CMS Pages, Menus & Widgets

  • These pages contain the content on your website such as About Us, Financing, Return Policy etc. that is not related to Master Product Catalog content
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance Pages and click "Add New+"
  • Fill in all of the required information using the informative tooltips and then click "Drag & Drop Editor", "Yes, Change" in the pop-up that follows and then "Add/Edit Content"
  • Information for adding content to an existing page can be found under CMS Pages FAQ "How do I add content to an existing CMS Page?"
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance Pages, under the "Actions" column of the desired page, click "Edit"
  • Click on the "Add/Edit Content" button and edit the content that you wish
  • To replace an existing image, double-click it and click "Browse Server" in the pop-up window
  • Create a new subfolder under "Images" by right-clicking and selecting "New Subfolder", name this folder whatever you like
  • Click on the new subfolder and click "Upload" to import new images
  • Double-click one of the new images to update the page
  • Continue to double-click the old images, select "Browse Server" and replace images with those from the subfolder until updates are complete
  • Click "Save Changes" in the editor pop-up when complete
  • Click "Submit" within the page settings when complete
  • This is the pop-up panel where you can build all CMS pages, there are two areas that you need to use
  • Containers are the grid that you use to build the website
  • Components are the media that goes inside the desired grid cell
  • All graphics must be created in a width divisible by 12 and 72dpi
  • To add a graphic to a component, double-click the placeholder image and click "Browse Server" in the pop-up window
  • Create a new subfolder under "Images" by right-clicking and selecting "New Subfolder", name this folder whatever you like
  • Click on the new subfolder and click "Upload" to import new images
  • Double-click the desired graphic to place it on the page
  • Change the height and width to 100% and then click "OK"
  • Continue adding Containers, Components and graphics until the desired page has been completed
  • Click "Save Changes" within the pop-up window and then "Submit" or "Save and Continue" on the main page settings to save your work
  • Slugs are a portion of a link that attach themselves to the end of your website's URL to make a complete front-end website link (Example; /page/financing or /c/beds or /p/bostwick-shoals-king-panel-bed)
  • These slugs are used in the Dashboard to link the footer to pages on your website
  • You can copy/paste slugs from the front end of the site to be used on banners, widgets, menus and more
  • The page menu contains the links for the CMS pages on your website that will display in certain header options on the user front-end of your website
  • The category menu contains the links for all of the active product parent and child categories on the website
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Menu
  • Select the menu that you wish to update and check off the Page or Category that you wish to add to the corresponding menu
  • To remove an existing link, simply click the "Delete" icon on the far left of the menu list
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Applications or a component of the user experience, that enables consumers to perform a function or access a service (Example; Chat Widgets)
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Widgets
  • From here you can add a new widget by clicking "Add New+" or edit one by clicking the "Edit" icon
  • Many popular widgets are Google Tag Manager, Meta Pixel, Chat or various codes for website traffic tracking purposes all of which should have instruction on where to place your widget within the website from code provider
  • To add codes like those mentioned above, fill in all required information, select the code placement within the website and then click the "Source" button within the panel of the editor that appears
  • Paste the entire code supplied making sure to include start and end brackets, tags etc.
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Please ask your third-party chat widget provider (Podium, Facebook etc,) to provide their script code and once obtained, follow the steps below
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Widgets and click "Add New+"
  • Complete the "Name" field and the "Slug" field will populate automatically
  • The "Widget Area" will be determined by the third-party code provider when you receive your script code
  • The "Widget Content" should be "Blank Widget"
  • Within the "Content" section click the gray "Source" button and paste in the script code you've been provided
  • Click "Submit" when complete

Customization Settings

  • Login to the Dashboard of your website, click on the Settings icon in the top right and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Customize Layout
  • Under "Page Options" click on "Catalog Page", then "Listbox Options"
  • Scroll to the "Product Icon/Buttons" section and toggle on/off the desired features
  • Repeat the same process for the Product Detail page by clicking "Product Detail", then "Detail Option"
  • Scroll to the "Icon/Buttons" section and toggle on/off the desired features
  • Click "Submit" when complete


RenCommerce assists in improving product discoverability for retailers through several key strategies:

  • SEO Optimization: We implement SEO best practices to enhance the visibility of your products on search engines.
  • Data Standardization: By standardizing product data across catalogs, we ensure products are easily searchable and comparable by customers.
  • Customizable Product Filters: Our platform allows for the creation of customizable product filters, helping customers find products more efficiently.
  • Analytics and Insights: RenCommerce provides analytics tools to understand customer behavior and preferences, enabling you to tailor your offerings and improve discoverability.
  • Marketing Tools: We offer integration with various marketing tools to promote your products through email campaigns, social media, and other channels.

To request the activation of a new catalog on your RenCommerce website, please send an email to [email protected] with your request details.

Include your store name, the specific vendor catalog you wish to activate, and any relevant information about your store's needs.

Our team will guide you through the onboarding process for the new catalog, including any necessary steps or information required to complete the activation.

If you identify inaccuracies in a catalog's product information, report these issues directly to us at [email protected].

Please provide specific details about the inaccuracies, including the product SKU, the nature of the error (e.g., pricing, description, image), and any suggestions for correction.

Our team prioritizes accuracy and will work to resolve these issues promptly, typically prioritizing pricing errors for immediate correction.

Yes, retailers have the ability to update product information within a vendor's catalog on their site by creating what's known as a "modified master product." This process allows you to clone a vendor-managed product and then customize the product information, such as descriptions, pricing, and images, to better suit your store's branding and customer needs.

Adding new products to an existing catalog involves two approaches: If the new products are provided by a vendor, the updates will automatically be reflected in your catalog following the vendor's update cycle. For adding store-specific products, you can create "In Store Products," which allows you to add products that are exclusive to your store or not provided by the vendor. These products can be added through your RenCommerce dashboard, where you can input product details, images, and pricing to complement your existing catalog offerings.

Inventory updates for vendor catalogs are managed through live API connections that allow for real-time synchronization of inventory levels between the vendor's system and your RenCommerce website. This ensures that product availability on your site reflects the most current stock levels. For vendors providing updates less frequently via Excel/CSV files or FTP uploads, our system processes these updates according to the scheduled frequency, ensuring your inventory information remains accurate.

When a product is discontinued from a vendor's catalog, it will automatically be updated in your RenCommerce website to reflect this change, typically removing the product from visibility to prevent future sales. If you notice a discontinued product still listed or wish to manage the transition of discontinued products (e.g., by running clearance sales before removal), you can adjust the product's status manually through your dashboard or contact our support team for assistance.

RenCommerce enhances the SEO optimization of products on your site by standardizing product data to include detailed descriptions, accurate categorizations, and relevant keywords. Our platform also ensures that product pages are structured in a way that search engines can easily crawl and index, including optimized URLs, meta descriptions, and alt tags for images. Additionally, we offer guidance on best practices for product titles and descriptions to maximize search visibility. This comprehensive approach to SEO helps improve the discoverability of your products, driving more traffic to your site.

No, there are no inherent restrictions on the number of vendor catalogs you can activate on your RenCommerce website. We encourage retailers to diversify their product offerings by integrating catalogs that align with their store's niche and customer demand.

To deactivate a catalog from your RenCommerce website contact our support team at [email protected]. They will guide you through the process of deactivating a catalog from your website.

Training and support for managing catalogs on your site are readily available. We offer a range of resources, including online tutorials, detailed documentation, and direct support from our experienced team. To access these resources, visit the "Help" or "Support" section within your RenCommerce Dashboard.

For personalized training sessions or more in-depth support, you can also reach out to our team directly via email to [email protected].

  • In-Store Products are those that have been added by you locally to your website's Dashboard and are not managed by Renaissance

Adding In-Store product consists of 3 steps:

  • Creating the Brand
  • Creating the Component (Master Raw Item)
  • Adding Product
    • One by one
    • Via spreadsheet

Create the Brand
POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Brands > Add New

  • Fill in all required fields: Name, Description, Slug (will automatically generate), Brand logo, Update Product Icon/Buttons. Make sure the brand is enabled, this is right above the submit button at the bottom.

Create the Component
POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Components

  • Fill in required fields: Select brand, Enter raw item name (this can be used for multiple products under one brand), SKU, Price (this can stay at 0.00). Make sure the component is enabled, submit. 
  • Rather than creating a component for each in-store product, it's easier to create one component for one brand and assign that component to the products.

Adding an Individual Product
POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products > Add New

  • Fill in required fields: Product type - Simple product, Name, Slug (will automatically generate), SKU, Base price, In-Store Stock (any number above 0), Brand, Category. Make sure the component is enabled, submit. 
  • Go back into the product you just created. New tabs will appear at the top. Select Raw Item > Select Master Raw Item, enabled, submit.

Add Products via Spreadsheet
POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products 

  • Click the "Tools" >Download Product Sample File”. This file will give you an outline of the language to use. If you import this file and it doesn’t work, something might be 
  • These are the required fields to fill in listed below. It may be helpful to fill out the spreadsheet and look at the Add New Product screen as a guide
    • Language 
    • Language Code - Use one of the following formats:
      • en - English
      • ar - Arabic
      • de - German
      • es - Spanish
      • fr - French
      • ja - Japanese
      • nl - Dutch
      • ru - Russian
    • English Name - Product Name in English
    • Product name - Name
    • Full Description - Full Description (If no description, copy and paste product name here)
    • Product Type - Simple Product (Label it as "Simple Product" - just that)
    • sku - Product SKU
    • Brand Name - fill in the brand name and replace the spaces with a dash “-” for example: store-name-in-store-brand
    • Base Price - Base price (base price has to be greater than 0 in order to show)
    • Main image url - each image name has to have the following URL in front: /assets/uploads/images/folder_name/image-name.jpg
    • Instore stock (number has to be greater than 0 in order for the product to appear on front-end of the website)
    • Product Category - although not a required field, it will be easier to categorize now. Please make sure you’re including the main category and any sub-categories. For example, if you’re importing a chair, these are the categories you’ll need to assign it to: living-room,chairs
    • Place from - (repeat "InStore" for each product added)
    • Status - Enabled (repeat "Enabled" for each product added)
  • When you are done filling out the spreadsheet, save spreadsheet as 97-2004 Workbook xls file NOT xlsx
  • Back to Products > Tools > Import In-Store Products > Upload or drop file in
  • Process list shows the importing progress, this tab is on the left side menu towards the bottom. 

Add images via spreadsheet

  • Login to the Dashboard and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Pages
  • Click on the "Edit" icon for any active CMS page, click on "Add/Edit Content" within the main page settings and double-click on an image inside of the pop-up that appears.
  • A smaller pop-up window will appear, click on "Browse Server"
  • An additional pop-up will appear, create a new subfolder under "images"
    • Please note: You may not have any spaces in the folder or image name so please use a dash "-" or an underscore "_" in place of a space
  • Upload all images to this pop-up and add the image pathway to Column W in the Excel file you've created for your in-store products.
  • The pathway will follow this structure and you will replace "folder_name" and "image-name.jpeg" as it applies to the folder you created and the image you want to associate to a specific product.
    • /assets/uploads/images/folder_name/image-name.jpg
  • For additional images, follow the same procedure as above and add the pathway to Column X in the Excel file. For multiple images, please add a comma with no space between each additional pathway.
  • Once complete, save the Excel as a .xls file and import back into the Dashboard as done previously when the initial in-store product file was created

Add one-off images

  • Login to the Dashboard and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products
  • Under the "Action" column, click the "Edit" icon of the desired product
  • Under the "Product" tab navigate to the "Image" field and upload your image to the pop-up that appears
    • Please note: The same rules apply for spaces within folder and image names as noted in the steps to add images via spreadsheet
  • If you wish to add additional images, click on the "Media" tab and follow the same procedure as noted in the step above
  • When all required information is entered, click "Submit"
  • Repeat as needed to add more images to your in-store product(s)
Login to the Dashboard and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Categories > Add New
  • Select Parent Category
    • Choose the appropriate parent category if you are creating a sub-category. For example, Sofas parent category is Living Room. If you are creating a new main category, do not select a parent category. 
  • Enter Category Name
  • The Meta Titles and Slug will automatically populate
  • Select a Category Image from your file management system
  • When complete, click "Submit"

Login to the Dashboard and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products

  • Search for the product you’re looking for and click the "Edit" icon
  • Navigate to the "Assign Product to Category" field and begin typing in the name of the desired category and it will autopopulate
  • When complete, click "Submit"
Information on menu links can be found under the CMS Pages, Menus & Widgets FAQ “How do I add/remove a link in a Menu?


  • Footer columns are listed 1-4 and span the width of your website, they can be found and edited by navigating to CMS > Appearance > Widgets 
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Widgets and under the "Actions" column of the desired widget click "Edit"
  • Within the "Content" section double-click on the blue underlined text to edit the name of the link as well as the link destination using a new slug
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Information on slugs can be found under Menus FAQ "What is a slug?"


  • One-time fee of $300
  • 6-8 Logo Options
  • Up to 2 rounds of revisions maximum
  • Upon approval a high-res version of the logo will be provided to you

Please email [email protected] with your custom logo request in order to proceed

  • As-is: No Additional Cost
  • Customized Verbiage Only: $50/theme
  • Customized Verbiage and (6) Product Banners: $150/theme
  • Custom Designed Collateral: $300/theme

To view all of our Collateral Marketing themes, click here

Once you have chosen your pricing option and theme, please email [email protected] and provide the following information:

  • Pricing Option (As-Is, Customixed Verbiage Only etc.)
  • Theme Name and Theme Number
  • Start/End Date & Time
  • Desired Banner Link (Contact Page, Brands Page etc.)

Please note: If any of this information is missing, the Content team will not be able to proceed with your request until it has been received. Our team will reach out for additional information as needed.

Yes! Email marketing is consistently ranked as the most effective marketing channel, with a high ROI (Return on Investment). Email allows you to promote your store brand, drive more online traffic and sales, and share updates. Connecting with your customers has never been easier with Renaissance’s email marketing experts.
  • We set up your Constant Contact account and import your website and store contacts
  • We design a custom branded email with the content you want to send
  • Email is sent to your contact list and analytic data is reviewed to target future campaigns

The cost for Email marketing is based on the number of contacts you have:

  • 0-500: $49/month
  • 501-2,500: $99/month
  • 2,501-5,000: $199/month
  • 5,001-10,000: $299/month
  • 10,000+: Call for Pricing

To get started, email [email protected]


Our POS includes:

  • eCommerce RenARK App
  • Sales Management
  • Purchase Order Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Logistics Management
  • Reporting
  • Hang Tag QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Scanner
  • Direct Express Tagging
  • Protection Plan Integration

To get started, visit our POS: Point of Sale page https://www.rencomgroup.com/page/pos

Utilizing your Renaissance Dashboard, you can seamlessly update your e-commerce website and POS system by exporting and importing data.

Exporting Your In-Store Products

On your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Import/Export > Export Products.

Using the dropdown menus, select a brand and category of product that you want to update in your POS system. Click “Export” to generate an Excel sheet based on your selection.

Within this Excel sheet, you can manually edit all of your brand and category offerings, including the names and SKUs of your in-store products. After saving your changes to this document, you can proceed to Importing Your In-Store Products.

Importing Your In-Store Products

On your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Import/Export > Import Products.

Here you’ll upload any exported Excel sheets from Exporting Your In-Store Products. If you added any new products to said Excel sheet, check mark “Insert New.” If you simply want to update your POS system, check mark “Update.” Click “Choose File” to browse for the edited Excel sheet, then “Upload” to confirm your changes.

Importing Freight Pricing for In-Store Products

On your left side nav bar, navigate to POS > Import/Export > Freight.

By creating an Excel sheet with two columns, one named “SKU” and the second “Freight”, you can update the freight pricing of your in-store products (calculated as part of the wholesale price before any markups) within your POS system.

Click “Choose File” to browse for this Excel sheet, then “Upload” to confirm your changes.

Exporting and Importing Your Retail Prices

On your left side nav bar, navigate to POS > Import/Export > Retail Price.

To export retail prices for your in-store and master products, click on “Export Retail Price” and your page will reload.

Now on the “Brand Price Export” page, choose a brand and category, then click on “Submit” to generate an Excel sheet containing product retail prices.

Within this generated Excel sheet, you can manually edit and update retail prices for products in your POS system. After saving your changes to this document, click on “Import Retail Price” or navigate back to POS > Import/Export > Retail Price.

Click “Choose File” to browse for this Excel sheet, then “Upload” to confirm your changes.

Exporting Your Product Module Data

On your left side nav bar, navigate to POS > Import/Export > Export Product Module Data.

Choose a brand and category of products, then click “Export” to generate an Excel sheet that will be populated with SKUs and product names.

Within this generated Excel sheet, you can associate add-on products (e.g. a dresser) relevant to that product category, with a primary product SKU. In every column, enter the SKUs of each add-on product. You may enter multiple add-on products for every column, by separating SKUs with a comma. After saving your changes to this document, you can proceed to Importing Your Product Module Data.

Importing Your Product Module Data

On your left side nav bar, navigate to POS > Import/Export > Import Product Module Data.

Here you’ll upload any exported Excel sheets from Exporting Your Product Module Data.

Click “Choose File” to browse for this Excel sheet, then “Upload” to confirm your changes.

Whenever you need to disable a Master Product, you can do so quickly and efficiently through your Renaissance Dashboard.

Disabling a Master Product

Beginning on your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Pricing > Master Products. Here you can search for, and filter Master Products by “Name”, “SKU”, “Brand” and “Category”.

Once you’ve located your desired Master Product, click and checkmark the box next to “Image”, then move your cursor to the dropdown menu above, “Mark as Special Order”. Click this menu and select the “Disable” option, then “Submit” to confirm your change.

Enabling a (Disabled) Master Product

Back on your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Pricing > Disabled Master Products. Much like Master Products, Disabled Master Products may be searched, and filtered by “Name”, “SKU,” “Brand” and “Category”.

Once you’ve located a disabled Master Product in the results of the “Disable Master Products” page, simply click “Remove” under the “Action” column to the right.

NOTE: Before a product can appear again on the front-end of your eCommerce website, you must first re-sync its pricing. You can quickly do this by navigating to POS > Pricing > Master Products. On the “Assign Vendor” tab, click the “Sync All Brand Price” button to sync all the pricing of your newly re-enabled products.

When a manufacturer discontinues one of its master products, a retailer may have some stock of said product remaining in their store or warehouse. Utilizing your Renaissance Dashboard, you can convert these discontinued master products into in-store products and associate them with in-store brands of your choosing.

Converting Discontinued Master Products into In-Store Products

On your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Discontinued Master Products. Here you will find a list of all your Discontinued Master Products, including an image, name, SKU, base price, and associated category.

Using the search bars below “Discontinued Master Product”, you may search all Discontinued Master Products by their “Name” or “SKU”. Additionally, you may also filter these results by their “Brand”, “Category” and date.

Once you’ve located your desired Discontinued Master Product, click on the “Copy as In-Store Product” button. A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to “Select Brand”. Click “Submit” to proceed automatically to the “Store Product Management” page.

You will see that all information related to the Discontinued Master Product has been transferred to this page. If you wish, you may edit any of these details; otherwise, scroll down the page and click “Submit” to save your changes.

Adjusting the Retail Price of a Newly Converted In-Store Product

When converting a disabled (or discontinued) Master Product into an In-Store Product, the base price of that product will carry over. You will have to manually adjust this price to reflect the retail price you want for it.

To begin, navigate to POS > Product Catalog > Store Products. Utilizing the search under the “Store Product Management” page, search for your newly converted product in question by its “Name” or “SKU”.

Once your newly converted product is visible in the results of the “Store Product Management” page, move your cursor to the “Retail Price” column and double-click the numerical value that is displayed beneath it. Update this price, then click the orange checkmark to confirm your change.

To Add a Product to Special/Clearance

  1. In the Dashboard, Navigate to POS > Product Catalog
  2. Go to Store Products or Master Products, depending on if the product you are selecting is an in-store or master product
  3. Use the search options to find your product(s)
  4. Click the checkbox(es) next to the product(s) you wish to mark as Special/Clearance
  5. From the dropdown menu, select Mark as Special, Mark as Special 2-9, or Mark as Clearance
  6. Enter the Start and End dates and times if the product is only on Special/Clearance for a limited time. If the product is to be Special/Clearance indefinitely, check Always Show.
  7. Click Submit

To Manage Special/Clearance Product

  1. In the Dashboard, Navigate to POS > Product Promotions
  2. Click on Special, Special 2-9, or Clearance to view all products in this section
  3. Find the product you are looking for
  4. To change dates
    • Click on the Start or End Date of a product
    • Enter new dates and times, or check Always Show
    • Click Submit
  5. To change price
    • Click on the Special/Clearance Price
    • Enter new price
    • Click OK
  6. To Remove a Product from Special/Clearance
    • Click Delete to remove from Special/Clearance


  1. Products marked as Special or Clearance are not working off of the retailer’s markup. A Special/Clearance product’s price is not changed by any price synchronization. These prices must be changed manually.
  2. When a product is removed from Special/Clearance, it will revert to its markup price, or its Retail price if a manual Retail price was set.
  3. Special and Special 2-9 each have separate pages on the front end of the website. This is so the retailer can run separate promotions at the same time. Each page can have custom content and graphics.

Adding a New Product Category

Starting on your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Product Catalog > Categories. On the “Product Categories” page, you can create a new product category by clicking “Add New+”. Subsequently, your web page will refresh, prompting you to fill in information pertaining to this new product category, including:

  • Name (of new product category)
  • Subcategory title (if applicable)
  • Meta title (relevant to on-page SEO)
  • Meta keyword (relevant to on-page SEO)
  • Meta description (relevant to on-page SEO)
  • Enabled (check this, or uncheck to disable)
  • Visible (if checked, the new product category will be added to your website’s navigation)
  • Image (browse for and upload an image between…)
  • Small Image (browse for and upload an image between…)
  • Icon (browse for and upload an image between…)

Click on “Submit” to confirm your changes.

Adding a New Product Package Category

You can simply and efficiently promote multiple products together (e.g. an 8 Piece Living Room Collection), by creating a new product package category. To do so, navigate to the aptly named POS > Products Catalog > Product Package Categories.

On the “Product Package Categories” page, click “Add Product Package Categories+”. Your page will reload, allowing you to supply a “Name” for this new product package category. Within the “Video Content” and “Content” fields, Web Copy and/or HTML code related to this package may be entered. Below, “Image” and “Small image” will browse and upload images to associate with the product package.

Click on “Submit” to confirm your changes.

Customizing Search Filters: Subcategories

Through your Renaissance Dashboard, you can control the advanced search filters available to visitors on your website’s product pages. Subcategories include the options that appear below a category on the dropdown menu.

NOTE: Any advanced search filter that is not on your website by default may not have a Master Product entry. These filters can be manually applied to your In-Store Product by editing Product Details or uploading a separate Product Data file.

On the left side nav bar of your navbar, navigate to POS > Product Catalogs > Subcategories.

Once on the “Subcategory Management” page, you may check or uncheck the subcategories you wish to enable or disable, for respective product category pages, e.g. “Bedrooms”, “Living Room”, “Accents”, etc.

Scroll down the page and click “Submit” to confirm your changes.

Clear both the Front Cache and Admin Cache for changes to advanced search filters to appear on your website. Be advised that this may take some time.

NOTE: Subcategories are themselves grouped by a larger Category.

Customizing Search Filters: Attribute Groups

Being more specific than product subcategories, Attribute Groups can be checked or unchecked in the advanced search on your website’s product category pages, e.g. “Style”, “Seating Type”, etc.

Navigating to POS > Product Catalog > Attribute Groups, you may check or uncheck each all of the Attribute Groups you wish to enable or disable in advanced search.

Click on “Submit” to confirm your changes.

Clear both the Front Cache and Admin Cache for changes to advanced search filters to appear on your website. Be advised that this may take some time.

NOTE: Attribute Groups on the “Attribute Group Management” page are not grouped because they can display in multiple categories of products. Because of this, disabling an Attribute Group will disable it across all categories.

Customizing Search Filters: Attributes

Alongside Attribute Groups, Attributes can be checked or unchecked in the advanced search of product category products. Some examples of Attributes include, as in the case of Living Room furniture, “Stationary”, “Reclining”, “Power Reclining.”

On your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Product Catalog > Attributes. On this “Attribute Management”, you may check or uncheck all of the Attributes you wish to enable or disable in the advanced search of your product category pages.

Scroll down the page and click “Submit” to confirm your changes.

Clear both the Front Cache and Admin Cache for changes to advanced search filters to appear on your website. Be advised that this may take some time.

NOTE: Attributes are themselves grouped by a larger Attribute Group. Because of this, disabling an Attribute Group will disable all the Attributes within it.

All of the Attributes within the “Sort By Price” and “Special Offers” Attribute Groups generate dynamically. The aforementioned Attribute Groups can be disabled, but their Attributes cannot.

The markup calculator may be found in the Dashboard by navigating to POS > Pricing > Master Products > Markup Calculator" tab

This Markup Calculator allows you to see how different Markup combinations will affect the prices on your website. To use the Markup Calculator, enter a Base Price, enter any applicable Markups, select your Rounding Option, and click Calculate. The Calculated Retail Price and Profit Margin will display at the bottom.

How a Markup Works

A markup is a percentage added to your cost (or "Base Price") to generate a retail price. The basic formula is:

Base Price + (Base Price x Markup Percentage) = Retail Price

Example: Let's say that a product costs $500 and you have a 75% Markup
500 + (500 x 75%)
500 + (375) = 875

In our example, the retail price would be $875, which would then be rounded based on the Rounding Option selected.

Types of Markups

Brand Markup: This markup is applied to all products within a Brand, such as Signature Design by Ashley, Benchcraft, Furniture of America, Coaster Furniture, etc.

Category Markup: This markup is applied to all products within a Category, such as Living Rooms, Bedrooms, Dining Rooms, etc.

Default Markup: This markup is applied to all products on your website.

How Markups Work Together

If multiple types of Markups are applied to the same product, the calculator follows this formula:

Base Price x (Brand Markup + Category Markup) x Default Markup

Example: a product has a $500 Base Price and the website is applying a 5% Brand Markup, a 10% Category Markup, and a 75% Default Markup. The $500 Base Price is first marked up by the combined Brand and Category Markups (15%) to get $575. Then the Default Markup (75% in our example) is applied to the marked up Base Price to get the Retail Price of $1006.25. This price is then rounded and displayed on your website.

Markup vs. Margin

Though the concepts are similar, Markup and Margin are not the same, and using the terms interchangeably will cause confusion when pricing your website. Here are how they differ.

Markup: a percentage added to the Base Price to generate a retail price

Markup Formula: Base Price + (Base Price x Markup Percentage) = Retail Price

Margin: the percentage of the retail price that is the retailer's profit

Margin Formula: (Base Price - Retail Price)/Retail Price = Profit Margin

The Markup Calculator will display the Profit Margin of the Calculated Retail Price. If you are pricing your products using margin, please use the Markup Calculator and adjust your Markups up or down until you reach your margin.

Important Notes:

  1. When you change your Markups, the new prices will NOT go into effect until a Price Synchronization has completed.
  2. If a product on your website is marked as Special, Clearance, or has a manual Retail Price, that product will NOT be affected by your Markup.

The strike-through price displayed on some or all products is referred to in our system as the MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price). If the MSRP is not currently enabled, Renaissance will need to enable it for you, and then you can manage it through the Dashboard. 

There are two options for MSRP:

  1. Show MSRP for all products within a Brand
  2. Show MSRP only for products listed on the Special or Clearance pages

There are also a few ways to set the price for the MSRP:

  1. Markup: in your Dashboard under CMS > Settings > Store Information > MSRP. Your website will add this percentage to the retail price of any product with MSRP enabled to generate the MSRP.
    • Example: Current retail price is 79.99 and MSRP Markup is 25. 25% is added to the retail and the MSRP displays as 99.99.
  2. Manual By Single Product: in your Dashboard under POS > Product Catalog > Master Products or Store Products, there is an MSRP column. You can click to edit this field and enter a manual MSRP for a specific product. The manual MSRP will override the MSRP Markup. The MSRP field is also available in POS > Product Promotions > Special.
  3. Manual By Upload: in your Dashboard under POS > Import/Export > Retail Price & MSRP, you can generate a file with your products and several price columns. In this sheet, you can enter a number into the MSRP column, save the sheet, and upload it to set the manual MSRP for a large number of products at once. The manual MSRP will override the MSRP Markup.

To Add/Edit Retail Pricing to a Product in Dashboard:

  1. Log in to Dashboard
  2. Go to Product Catalog
  3. Go to Store Products or Master Products, depending on if the product you are editing in an in-store or master product
  4. Use the search options to find your product(s)
  5. Click on the current Retail Price or “Click to edit” text under the Retail Price column
  6. Enter Retail Price
  7. Click checkmark

To Add/Edit Retail Pricing to a Product via Excel Upload:

  1. Log in to Dashboard
  2. Go to Import/Export
  3. Go to Retail Price
  4. Click Export Retail Price
  5. Use the options to export the products that need to be priced into a spreadsheet
  6. Enter the price under the “retail_price” column of the spreadsheet.
    • NOTE: you can also use this sheet to disable master products for this store (set enabled to “No”), set MSRP per item, and mark products as On Display or Special Order
  7. Save and upload the file.

To Remove Retail Price from a Product:

  1. Log in to Dashboard
  2. Go to Product Catalog
  3. Go to Store Products or Master Products, depending on if the product you are editing in an in-store or master product
  4. Use the search options to find your product(s)
  5. Click on the current Retail Price under the Retail Price column
  6. Delete the retail price
  7. Click checkmark
  8. If there are a large number of Retail Prices to remove, consult Programming


  1. Products marked as Retail are not working off of the retailer’s markup. A Retail product’s price is not changed by any price synchronization. These prices must be changed manually.
  2. When a product is removed from Retail, it will revert to its markup price.

Renaissance POS Inventory Features

  1. Full integration with the eCommerce RenARK App that includes check availability option
  2. Export functionality of full Master Product Catalogs by brand to a CSV file with all store and warehouse locations
  3. Import functionality of the full Master Product Catalog by brand to upload inventory by store and warehouse locations
  4. View and monitory inventory by brand, SKU, SKU Group
  5. View Detail of each SKU based on the below data:
    • B&M Stock Qty = SKUs in physical Brick & Mortar warehouse
    • Avail to Sell = In B&M Stock Qty+ On Water Inventory minus Allocated products
    • Allocated = Products that have been sold online, in store through the POS or sold against the the stock in the physical warehouse or the On Water(OW) inventory
    • B&M Delivery = Products that have left the warehouse and that are on the delivery truck
    • Ordered = Products that have been ordered in PO.
    • SNIP = Sold, Not In Production at the factory with no set date of production
    • In Production (IP) = Products that are in production at the factory and currently these SKUs are not counting towards inventory
    • IP Due Date = Date that the products are delivered to the port to be loaded on the container
    • On Water (OW) = Products that are on a container to be delivered to the physical brick & mortar warehouse
    • OW Due Date = Date that the container hits the port
    • Special Order = Products that are purchased on line or in the store with no stock available in the warehouse. These would be ordered directly from the manufacturer
    • Damaged = Products that are damaged in the delivery process
    • Floor Display = Products that are on the showroom floor that cannot be moved or sold if it was the last one
    • Transfer Out = Products that transfer from on warehouse or store and become inventory in a separate store or warehouse
    • Min Order Qty = Total number of products required to reach Re-Order Level.
    • Re-Order Level = Number to set minimum inventory alerts
    • MFR Qty = Manufacturer's quantity in the warehouse that is assigned to the retailer as long as the manufacturer is connected to us via API or through a webservice
    • # Last 28 Days = Total number of products that were sold in the last 28 days
    • # Last 84 Days = Total number of products that were sold in the last 84 days
  6. Inventory will automatically be removed from the available to sell with an online sale or a POS sale and moved to Allocated
  7. Manage and presell inventory as it is on containers if you are using the Purchase Order Module
  8. Low Stock Alerts per SKU

Please see the inventory video https://vimeo.com/339640437/d762422e32 by clicking the inventory link Chapter 6:20:17 once the video launches

Whenever you need to align your inventory with your POS system, or automatically reorder an item that’s almost out of stock, you can rely on our suite of tools in the Renaissance Dashboard.

With this suite of tools, you get 3 new ways to maintain your inventory:

  1. Importing / Exporting
  2. Manual Adjustments
  3. Automatic Updates through Purchase Orders
  4. Automatic Removals through Sales

Exporting Your Inventory

Begin on your left-side navbar, by navigating to POS > Catalog > Inventory > Export.

Using the dropdown menu, “Select Vendor/Brand”, select a vendor or brand that you’d like to align with your in-store or warehouse inventory. Once you’ve selected a vendor or brand, click on the “Export” button below to generate a specialized Excel sheet, unique to Renaissance.

NOTE: Based on the size of your catalogs per brand, the generation of this exported Excel sheet may take several minutes.

Setting Inventory for Individual Item SKUs

Within this exported vendor or brand Excel sheet, you’ll see the following columns:

  • retailerid (the id specific to your store, please do not change)
  • rawitemid (the # unique to each raw item)
  • SKU (the SKU for this item within your POS system)
  • “#” (the location id, as indicated on the POS > Inventory > Export page)
  • “#_re_order_level” (the low stock threshold before an automatic reorder alert)

In column D (corresponding to the Location Ids on POS > Inventory > Export), enter the inventory for this raw item.

In column E (corresponding to the Location Ids on POS > Inventory > Export), enter the low stock threshold before an automatic reorder is placed through your vendor.

After aligning your inventory with this Excel sheet, save your document and proceed to the next step.

NOTE: Within this exported Excel sheet, there will be a “#” and a “#_re_order_level” column for each of your warehouse or store locations.

Importing Your Inventory

With your saved vendor or brand Excel sheet in your possession, return to your left-side navbar and navigate to POS > Inventory > Import.

Click on “Select file” and browse for the saved vendor or brand Excel sheet that you previously exported and then edited.

Once this document is selected, click on “Import” to align your inventory with your POS system.

Viewing Your Raw Item Inventory

Back on your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Inventory > All Products. You will now be on the “All Raw Items” page.

Search for any raw items by selecting a vendor or brand on the dropdown menu “Vendor/Brand Name” or entering the “Raw Item Name,” “Unit ID” or “SKU,” then click on the “Search” under “Action.”You will now see a list of raw items, sorted by Unit ID, vendor or brand name, raw item name and SKU.

Below the “Action” column, the notepad icon next to each raw item entry will allow you to edit its details. Click on this icon to proceed to the next step.

After clicking the notepad icon, you will now be on the “Rawitem Inventory Details” page.

Here you can update the “Quantity” and “Re Order Level” (or low stock threshold) for this given rawitem, by Location ID. When you’ve finished updating these details, click “Submit” to save all your changes.

Updating Your Low Stock Email Address

When the quantity of a raw item meets your “Re Order Level,” your POS system will email you an alert. To specify the email address where this alert will be delivered, go back to your left-side navbar and navigate to POS > Alert > Email Setting.

In “Email Address,” enter an appropriate email address for low stock alerts, then click “Submit” to confirm your change.

Viewing Your Low Stock Alerts

On your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Alert > Low Stock to see every low stock alert that has been delivered by your POS system.

You can search for low stock alerts by Unit ID, vendor/brand name, rawitem name, SKU, as well as location and quantity. Click “Search” under “Action” to refresh your page accordingly.

Exporting Reports on Low Stock Alerts

If you wish to generate a report of your low stock alerts, go to your left-side navbar and navigate to POS > Alert > Report.

Here you can filter your low stock alerts by ID, vendor/brand name, rawitem name, SKU, as well as location and date range.

To generate a report based on this filter or search, click the download icon under “Action.”

Adding or Removing Products on Your Renaissance Website

As your inventory cycles in and out, you’ll inevitably want to add or remove products from your Renaissance e-commerce website catalog. By logging into your Renaissance Dashboard, you can do this quickly and conveniently.

Begin by typing in your website’s URL, followed by “/storeadmin.php”. An example of this would be: “yourwebsite.com/storeadmin.php”. Upon arrival, you’ll be prompted to enter your username and password. Once logged into your store’s administrative panel, move your cursor to your left-side nav bar and click on POS > Product Catalog > Brands.

Adding a New In-Store Brand

Here on the POS > Product Catalog > Brands page, you can see every brand you’ve created for the products on your website. As a rule, all products must have a brand associated with them (See Step 1).

To add a new brand, simply click “Add Brands+”. Your page will refresh—allowing you to name your new brand and customize it with a slew of options (See Step 2):

  • Brand Logo: Upload a logo stored on your hard drive (Standard: 650px by 150px, Custom: 1300px by 150px).
  • Watermark: Upload a watermark stored on your hard drive (000px by 000px)
  • Add to Cart: If you’ve enabled e-commerce for your website, consumers will be able to add products from this brand into their shopping carts.
  • Add to Layaway: If the Layaway module is enabled for your website, products of this brand may be added to Layaway.
  • Pay as low as: If the “Pay As Low As” or “RTO, Rent to Own” module is enabled on your website, any of your brand products will be eligible for it.
  • Show Sku: You may show or hide the SKU of brand products. If checked, a SKU will appear when consumers or staff print product pages from your website.
  • Show Brand Name: You may show or hide the brand name on your website.
  • MSRP: Allow this brand’s products to show or conceal an MSRP price.
  • Enable Brand in In-Store App: (Relevant to In-Store App).
  • Show Price in In-Store App: (Relevant to In-Store App). Consult us at [email protected] for more information.
  • Enabled: Allows you to officially enable this brand. If not enabled, brand products will be treated as discontinued on your e-commerce website.

After you’ve customized your new brand, check “Enabled” and click “Submit” to save all of your changes.

To edit any brand, return to POS > Product Catalog > Brands and click on the pad icon under “Actions” to regain access to these customization options.

Adding a New In-Store Product

Begin by navigating to POS > Products Catalog > Store Products.

In the upper right corner of your screen, below “RenComGroup LLC,” you’ll see “+ Add Store Product.” Click on this to reload to the “General” page.

To get started, choose a “Category” for your new product from the pull-down menu at the top of “General.”

NOTE: Some categories will themselves have subcategories. If your new product is associated with more than one subcategory, you may highlight multiple categories by holding down the CTRL or command key on your PC or MAC, respectively, and clicking them.

After “Category”, you’ll want to choose a “Brand” and “Attribute” (*like subcategories, you may select more than one attribute for your product). Below it, type in a “Name” for your product that will be publicly displayed on your website.

With “Category”, “Brand”, “Attribute”, and “Name” selected, you may now input a host of other options specific to this new product, including (Se Step 3):

  • Tags: The search terms associated with this new product (relevant to the search bar on the front-end of your e-commerce website).
  • SKU: The SKU number you wish to assign to this product (visible if you checked “Show Sku” in the product’s brand options).
  • Base price: As stated, the price of your product before multiplied by the markup. This will set the retail price for the first time; you may change the price manually from then on. See “Pricing and Markups” PDF.
  • Inventory: The inventory number of your product. As a rule, this must be greater than zero. If zero, your product will not appear on your website.
  • Enabled: When enabled, your product will appear on your website immediately.
  • Dimensions: Depending on the category of product, this can be in any format. In this field, length, height, width and number of pieces will be most pertinent. If you don’t know the dimensions of your product yet, you may leave this field blank.
  • Featured Image: You may browse your hard drive for an image to pair with your new product. Said image must be 1050 pixels wide by 744 pixels high. Here you may enter the filename of an image that has previously been uploaded, ensuring to include the extension .JPG (and match upper and lower case characters).[1] 
  • SKU Group: Utilizing a SKU Group, you can pair products as part of a collection. Choose any string of text, understanding that this SKU Group will display on your product’s detail page under “Collection Items.” To associate other products inside of this SKU Group, you must match this string of text exactly.
  • Manufacturer SKU: An optional field, only for your reference. If the SKU that you use on your website differs from the manufacturer’s, we recommend placing their SKU here.
  • Do Not Show Direct: By checking this, you will remove your product from front-end navigation and search results. Your product itself will still be visible on your website, but will only be viewable through another Collection Item, Related Item, or as an add-on product.
  • Related Products: Here you may list all related products by SKU, by separating each SKU with a comma. The SKUs themselves can be retrieved from either the POS > Product Catalog > Store Products or Master Products pages.
  • Weight: The exact weight of the product in pounds. If you do not calculate any of your delivery charges by weight, then you may leave this field blank.
  • Pieces: Number of Cartons
  • Length: Carton Lengths
  • Height: Carton Height
  • Width: Carton Width

Once you’ve selected all desired options for your new product, scroll down and click “Submit” to save.

Adding New In-Store Products in Bulk

Instead of adding new products one-by-one, you can upload them in bulk via an Excel sheet that has been formatted with the correct headings.

Click on the following the link: http://onefurnituremaildirect.com/Catalog_Template.xlsx.

NOTE: As you edit this Excel sheet, do not change the order of the columns or the headings.

After you’ve edited your “Catalog_Template.xlsx”, go to the left-side nav bar of your Dashboard and navigate to POS > Import/Export > Import Products.

On the “Upload / Update In-Store Products page”, click on “Choose File” next to “Excel File” and search your hard drive for the edited “Catalog_Template.xslx” containing the products you wish to add in bulk.

If you will be adding these products for the first time, checkmark “Insert New.” If simply updating existing products in your POS system, checkmark “Update.”

Note: You may “Insert New” and “Update” products simultaneously. Any existing products will be updated if they match a SKU within your “Catalog_Template.xslx”; if not, a new product will be created.

Updating, Modifying or Deleting a New Store Product

Back on POS > Product Catalog > Store Products, you can search all your products by “Name”, “SKU”, “Category” or “Brand”. When you’ve found your newly saved product (in “Adding a New Store Product”), move your cursor to “Actions” and click the pad icon to edit it.

Your webpage will refresh, displaying an assortment of tabs, beginning with “General.” Click on the “Product Information” tab. On this page you can directly edit your product’s description that will appear under product details. You should recognize the tools available to you, as they mirror those of any modern email service—allowing you to embolden text, insert links and images. The “Submit” button will save any of your changes.

NOTE: If you or a colleague understands HTML, you may edit the HTML by clicking on “Source.” 

To the right of the “General” and “Product Information” tabs, you will see a “Product Gallery” tab. By visiting “Product Gallery,” you can upload additional images to appear on your product details page. If you have a link to a YouTube video you would like to feature, specify “Video” as “Type”, then include the video code that follows “v=”. You will be asked to upload an image that will act as its thumbnail, launching the YouTube video when clicked.

To upload images in bulk for any given brand, navigate to POS > Product Catalog > Image Uploads. On the “Product Image Bulk Upload” page, click “Choose Files” to search your hard drive for images you wish to associate with this product. Hold down CTRL to select and upload multiple images at once. Then click “Submit” to upload and save your changes.

NOTE: To associate bulk images with a single product, the names of the uploaded images must correspond with the “Featured Images” in “Adding a New In-Store Product” or the “Featured Images” column for each product in your “Catalog_Template.xlsx.”

If you would like to change the retail price of a product, return to POS > Product Catalog > Store Products and search for the given product. Once it is visible in your list, move your cursor to the “Retail Price” column and double click to update the retail price. Click the check mark to confirm this change.

If you wish to delete a product, you may utilize the pull-down menu that reads “Set as Sku Main Product”, select “Delete” and click “Submit.” In this same pull-down menu, you can also quickly mark this product as a clearance or closeout item.

NOTE: If you have any further questions, or would like to receive more advanced training, please email [email protected] to schedule your webinar.

If you’d like to finalize an in-store sale—including billing and shipping—and process it through your POS system, the Renaissance Dashboard gives you easy access to everything you need, all in one place.

NOTE: At your central hub for sales orders (accessible on your left side nav bar via POS > Sales > All Sales), you will see a row of icons under the “Action Name” column of each sales order.

Starting from left to right, these icons read as follows:

  1. View Detail (Pop-up summary of the sales order)
  2. Re-send Invoice (Re-send an invoice receipt by email)
  3. Notes (Add notes related to this sales order)
  4. Create PO (Pop-up to save or issue a purchase order)
  5. BOL (Pop-up to generate a bill of lading)
  6. Set Commission (Admin only: adjust commission rates for this sales order)
  7. Pay Now (Visit “Sale’s Invoice” page to make a payment on this sales order)

Searching or Adding New Customers

Starting at the left-side nav bar of your Renaissance Dashboard, navigate to POS > Sales > Add an In-Store Sale or Quote.

Here you can see a list of all the customers stored in your POS system, searchable by Id, cell phone number, last name, first name, username, or email. Creating a new customer simply requires clicking on “+ Add New Customer.” A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter the new customer’s first name, last name, cell number, and email. Once you’ve entered this information, click “Save” to add this customer to your POS system.

After searching for and locating your customer in question, click on the dot under “Select,” then “Go To Next Step” in orange below.

Customer Billing and Shipping Info

When your browser reloads, you’ll be on the “Add Consumer Billing and Shipping Info” page.

Use the “Select Order Type” dropdown menu to choose the type of order. By default, this reads “Logistic Shipping.” Below you may enter your customer’s billing and shipping addresses. If a customer has store addresses associated with them, these will be accessible in the dropdown menus “Select Customer Billing Address” and “Select Customer Shipping Address.”

NOTE: All required fields under “Billing Address” and “Shipping Address” are marked with an asterisk (*).

After filling out your customer’s information, click “Continue to Step 2.”

Adding Products to Your Customer’s Order

Now on the “Add Products to Consumer’s Order” page, you’ll manually add products to your customer’s order. You can search for any product by SKU, name, brand or category. Click “Add to Order” to add each product to your Cart.

If you wish to add a product with a SKU that is not your POS system (which will be disabled on your e-commerce site until you enable it at a later time), click “+ Add Product.” Choose a brand and category or create new ones by checking “Add New.” Additionally, give your new product a name and the SKU number you’ve already assigned to it. Click “Save” to confirm your changes.

After you save this new product, it may be found through the search by clicking the “No” next to “Enabled.” After it appears through the search, click “Add to Order” to add this product to your Cart.

NOTE: Before taking this step, you can always view the store price of your new product. Clicking on the “Inventory” link in the “SKU” column will allow you to see if this product is in stock at any of you stores or if it will require a special order.

When you’re finished adding products to your customer’s order, click on “View Cart” to proceed to the next step.

Confirming Your Customer’s Order

On this final “Confirm Your Order” page, you will see your customer’s order number, along with all information related to this order.

Here you can update or override:

  1. Manual/Calculated Price Override (override the POS or web pricing of your products)
    NOTE: You will be prompted for an admin username and password to override pricing.
  2. Warehouse/Store Location (choose the warehouse your product will be shipping from)
  3. Shipping Cost Charged to Consumer (enter or update the shipping costs for the order)
  4. Tax (if any changes occur to the order, recalculate the tax)
  5. Coupon (add a coupon or negotiated discount to the order)
  6. Financed Amount (add approved financing to the order)
  7. Finance Contract Number (contract number given by bank)
    NOTE:  After you add a financed amount and contract number to this order, click “Update.” You’ll see the “Total Payable Amount” adjusted accordingly.
  8. Sales Person (select up to three Salespersons for sales commission)
  9. Attach Files (upload any scanned documents to accompany this sale)
  10. Private Notes (hidden from the customer’s sales receipt; stored in your POS system)
  11. Public Notes (included as part of your customer’s sales receipt)

After you’ve reviewed everything, you may click “Create Quote” to save this order and finalize it at a later time, or “Submit Order” to proceed to the “Review Your Order” page.

At this final step, click “Submit Order Now”. If you wish to make any changes or cancel, click on “edit” or “cancel”, respectively.

Making a Partial Payment on a Sales Invoice

Navigate to POS > Sales > All Sales. Click the “Unpaid” tab to view all sales orders that have yet to be paid in full.

Here you can search for a sales order in a number of ways, including its “Invoice #” or the date and time associated with it. When you’ve found your sales order in question, click the credit card or “Pay Now”. Your page will reload to the “Sale’s Invoice” for this given order.

NOTE: You may also click the bill or “View Detail” icon to view the payment history for this order.

Under “Payment Now”, you may make a payment towards this order, via a “Debit/Credit Card”; “Cash Payment or Partial/Down Payment”; and “PayPal Plus.”

Click “Cash Payment or Partial/Down Payment”, then fill in “Partial/Down Payment Amount” and enter the amount your customer will be paying. When you’re ready, click the “Submit Order Now” button to confirm this partial payment.

Set or Adjust Commission Rates on Sales Orders

On any tab of the POS > Sales > All Sales page, you can adjust adjust the commission rate for a sales order, as well as the recipient(s) of sales commission.

Under the “Action Name” column of the sales order in question, click the percentage sign or the “Set Commission” icon.

NOTE: If commission has been set, you will see a check mark icon instead of a percentage sign.

A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to change the commission rate of every salesman or woman recognized by your Renaissance Dashboard.

You may also distribute the total commission of a sale spread across multiple orders in one easy step, across your sales staff, by changing their “Percent of Effect”, (maxing out at 100%).

Click “Confirm” to save your changes. 

Yes - When a user has the permission user group set to the "POS Store Admin", this user will be able to delete a sale in the POS > Sales > All Sales.

Deleted Sales will be listed in the "Deleted Sales" tab in the POS > Sales > All Sales and only viewable by the permission set to the user group "POS Store Admin".

When it’s time to convert a quote into an order, you can take care of it through the Renaissance Dashboard.

Moving your cursor to the left-side nav bar, navigate yourself to POS > Sales > Quotes.

View Quotes

On the “View Quotes” page, you’ll see all your sales quotes. You may search for saved quotes by invoice #, phone number, first name, last name or email address. It’s also possible to filter by full payment, Lay-A-Way, Pay As Low As, Financed Orders, Renaissance Protection Plans, and JB Hunt Shipping.

When you’ve found the quote you’re searching for, click on the icon of two paper sheets, below “Action Name”, to “Convert To Order.”

Confirming Your Order

Having clicked “Convert To Order,” you’ll find yourself on the “Confirm Your Order” page now.

Here you can edit or delete products from this order, and adjust details like “Warehouse/Store Location.”

When you’re done finalizing this order, click on “Submit Order” to lock it down and email a copy of the sales receipt to your customer and your store administration.

Converting a Wishlist into a New Quote

When customers visit the front-end of your e-commerce website, they always have the option to save a product to their own personal Wishlist. During this process, customers can save a Wishlist by naming it and associating it with their account—making it convertible into a new quote.

To access your customers’ saved Wishlists, return to the left-side nav bar of your Renaissance Dashboard and navigate to POS > Settings > Consumer.

On this “Consumer Accounts” page, you can search Wishlists by username, customer name, email, and last login. When you’ve found a Wishlist that you wish to convert into a quote, click “View” under “Wishlist.”

Your page will reload, taking you to the “Wishlist of ‘Your Customer.’” You may now create a new sale quote or Lay-A-Way quote, by clicking on the respective buttons. The POS system will gather all available information from the customer’s front-end account, requiring you fill out all of the remaining fields under “Billing Address” and “Shipping Address” before it saves this Wishlist as a new quote.

Beginning on your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Sales > All Sales. Rather than search or comb through your sales one-by-one for layaways, checkmark “Lay-A-Way” under “Filter By”.

Once filtered, all the visible results in “View Sales” will be Layaway orders. Locate your desired Layaway order, then click the left-most paper icon under “Action Name”. After clicking this icon, you will be taken to the “Lay-A-Way Invoice” page for that order in question.

On the “Lay-A-Way Invoice” page, the following options are available to you:

  1. Reset Password
  2. Change Customer Address
  3. Add Payment(s)
  4. Add Product(s)
  5. Remove Product(s)
  6. Change Remaining Installments
  7. Close Layaway

Reset Your Customer’s Account Password

Clicking on “(Reset Password)” will reset your customer’s account password, and automatically email them their account username, along with a randomly generated password.

Change Your Customer’s Address

Under “Billing Address”, click on “Change Address”. A pop-up window will appear, giving you the ability to change everything from your customer’s email address to their cell phone, address and zip code.

Click “Send” to confirm your changes.

NOTE: Some payment gateways utilize an Address Verification system when processing credit card payments. If a customer’s billing address changes during a layaway, the payment gateway may decline subsequent payments until their billing address is updated here in the POS.

Add Payment(s) to a Layaway Order

On the “Lay-A-Way Invoice” page, you can make two types of payments towards a Layaway:

  1. To add a payment equal to the current Monthly Installment amount, go to “Make Offline Payment” (by scrolling down the page), click “Add Payment” and then “Ok”.
  2. To add a payment of any other amount, go to “Make One-Time Payment” (after scrolling down the page), enter a number in “Amount”, then click “Add Payment” and “Ok”.

NOTE: With each successful payment, the remaining Layaway balance and Monthly Installments will automatically be recalculated and updated.

Add Product(s) to a Layaway Order

Under the “Products” section of the “Lay-A-Way Invoice”, you may view, add or remove any of the products from a Layaway order.

If you know the SKU of the product you wish to add, type it into “Enter SKU” and click “Search”. Your new product will appear under “Search Product”, allowing you to modify the price, as well as the quantity. Click on “Add to Order” to formally add this product to the Layaway.

NOTE: With each product added to the Layaway order, the remaining balance and payments will automatically be recalculated and updated.

NOTE: This must be an exact SKU match. To find the correct SKU, you can search in Master Products or Store Products and then copy and paste the SKU you would like to add.

Remove Product(s) from a Layaway Order

Under the “Products” section of the “Lay-A-Way Invoice”, you can remove a product simply by clicking on the trash can icon below the “Actions” column of a given product.

NOTE: With each product removed from a Layaway order, the remaining balance and payments will automatically be recalculated and updated.

Change Remaining Payment Installments

Under the “Summary” section of the “Lay-A-Way Invoice”, find “Remaining Installments” and click on the number next to this. A drop-down menu will appear, allowing you to choose exactly how many installments you wish to schedule. Click “Ok” to confirm your changes.

NOTE: Be aware that the total number of payment installments cannot exceed the maximum set by your store. If, for example, your store’s maximum number of layaway installments is 12, and the current layaway has 3 installments paid, you may not set the number of remaining payments higher than 9.

After updating the number of “Remaining Installments”, the balance and price of payments will recalculate and change accordingly.

Close Layaway

If your Layaway order is still open, you may close it manually whenever you wish. Simply scroll down to the “Reason” section of the invoice page, write out an explanation for the closure, e.g. “Customer completed layaway in-store.” then click “Complete Order” to finalize it.

NOTE: After a Layaway order is closed, it will not accept additional payments, and it will cease to send out reminder emails to the customer of the Layaway.

  1. In the Dashboard, navigate to POS > Sales > All Sales
  2. Use the search options to find the layaway. Be sure to check the different tabs if you are having difficulty finding it.
  3. Click on View Detail
  4. In the Reason text field, enter a reason for closing the layaway and the date. Here are some examples:
    • Refunded by retailer - 1/1/19
    • Cancelled by customer - 1/1/19
    • Completed in-store - 1/1/19
    • Cancelled per retailer request - 1/1/19
  5. Click the Complete Order button. No additional payments will be accepted and no reminder emails will be sent.
  6. If the retailer requests, the Stage of the order can also be changed, but it is not required. From the View Sales screen, click on the Stage of the order and set it to the relevant stage, such as Cancelled or Refunded.

PLEASE NOTE: If a refund needs to be issued, it is the responsibility of the retailer to issue it through the payment gateway. It is NOT done through the website.

If a customer contacts a retailer claiming that they cannot log in to their layaway, or that they are logged into their account but their layaway is not there, the most likely cause is that the customer has created multiple user accounts and is simply logging in to the wrong account.

To confirm multiple accounts:

Go to POS > Settings > Consumer to load a list of customer user accounts. Search for the customer's name or email address. You should see a list of all of that customer's accounts along with the last login date.

To confirm account for lay-a-way:

Go to POS > Sales > All Sales and find the layaway in question. Open the layaway details. Directly below the layaway number is the Username and User ID associated with the layaway. If you check the username on the layaway against all of the user accounts for the customer, most likely the account associated with the layaway is not the account that has been logged into most recently. This indicates that the customer is logging into another account.

To reset password:

In the layaway details, click on the Reset Password link. This will send an email to the customer with both the Username and Password for the customer.

Through the Renaissance Dashboard, it’s easy to create or manage a purchase order from your POS system to your vendor, and back.

Bring a purchase order to completion and your inventory will automatically update to reflect this.

Create an Individual Special Purchase Order: Option I

On your left-side navbar, begin by navigating to POS > Sales > All Sales.

You’ll now be on the View Sales” page, where you’ll see a list of all your past sales. Utilizing the search bars, you can search for any past sale by invoice #, phone number, first name, last name or email.

When you’ve found the sale from which you wish to generate a purchase order, click on the “Create PO” icon under “Action Name.” A pop-up window entitled “Create Purchase Order” will appear, allowing you to specify:

  1. Ship To Location
  2. Expected Ship Date
  3. Quantity
  4. General Instructions

If you’d like to save your changes, but don’t want to issue a purchase order yet, click “Save.” To issue this purchase order directly to your manufacturer, click on “Issue.”

Create an Individual Special Purchase Order: Option II

Alternatively, you can create a purchase order for yourself—without an existing sales order—by returning to your left-side navbar and navigating to POS > Sales > Purchase Orders.

On any tab, click “+ Create PO” above the magnifying icon. Your page will reload, bringing you to the “Create PO” page.

Here you can manually add products to a brand new purchase order, searching for them by their name, SKU, category, brand and PO type. By default, the results displayed on this page will be “Standard”. Clicking on the “PO Types” pulldown menu, you may filter your results to “Auto Fill Minimum Stock” or “Auto Fill Sold”—allowing you to create one large PO instead of dozens of individual ones to resupply your stock.

Whether viewing “Standard”, “Auto Fill Minimum Stock” or “Auto Fill Sold”, click “Add to PO” under the “Actions” column to add each of your searched or filtered SKUs to a new purchase order. As you add SKUs to this purchase order, you’ll see them listed above by their name, SKU and quantity. If you wish to delete any SKUS from the new purchase order, click “Remove” under “Action.”[1] 

After you’ve finished adding all your product SKUs to this new purchase order, click “Create PO” to launch the “Create Purchase Order” pop-up window, as explained in “Create a Purchase Order: Option I.”

Saved Purchased Orders

On your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Sales > Purchase Orders.

Now on the “Saved Purchase Orders” page, you’ll see all your saved purchase orders. To help you locate a specific purchase order, you may search by invoice # or filter them by brand.

By clicking on the notepad icon under “Action Name” or the “Click to Edit” under “Stage”, you can save or issue the purchase order. A pop-up window will appear, just like the pop-up window that appears when you “Create an Individual Special Purchase Order.”

NOTE: Clicking on the “Download” or “Print” icons will convert this “View Details” window into a PDF or printable document, respectively.

If you’d like to save your changes, but don’t want to issue a purchase order yet, click “Save.” To issue this purchase order directly to your vendor, click on “Issue.”

Issued Purchase Orders

Still on POS > Sales > Purchase Orders, click the “Issued” tab to see all your issued purchase orders that have been directed to vendors.

To help you locate a specific issued purchase order, you may search by invoice # or filter them by brand.

By clicking on the notepad icon under “Action Name” or the “Click to Edit” under “Stage”, you’ll launch a pop-up window called “View Detail.” If the vendor has emailed you and acknowledged this issued purchase order, click on “Acknowledge PO.” If your customer has canceled their order or you yourself wish to cancel this purchase order, click on “Send Canceled PO” to direct a cancellation notice to your vendor.

NOTE: Clicking on the “Download” or “Print” icons will convert this “View Details” window into a PDF or printable document, respectively.

Acknowledged Purchase Orders

Continuing from POS > Sales > Purchase Orders, click the “Acknowledged” tab to see all your acknowledged purchase orders.

To help you locate a specific acknowledged purchase order, you may search by invoice # or filter them by brand.

By clicking on the notepad icon under “Action Name” or the “Click to Edit” under “Stage”, you’ll launch a pop-up window called “View Detail.” Here you see your acknowledged purchase order at a glance. Should you need to update the shipping status of a SKU for this given PO, click on “Add Inventory” an additional pop-up window will appear. Under the “Ordered” column of each SKU in this window, select “SNIP”, “IP”, “OW”, or “Received”, as well as a quantity, then click on “Go”.

Marking a SKU as “SNIP”, “IP” or “OW” will place clickable icons under the respective columns of this pop-up window. Whenever you need to update the status of this acknowledged purchase order and adjust a SKU from “SNIP” to “IP, e.g. click on the icon “Move to In Production” under the “SNIP” column.

After you’ve finished updating the inventory of an acknowledged purchase order, click “Submit” to return to the main “View Detail” window. If you wish to cancel this PO, click “Send Canceled PO” or simply click anywhere outside of “View Detail” to get back to the main tab.

NOTE: Clicking on the “Download” or “Print” icons will convert this “View Details” window into a PDF or printable document, respectively. [2] 

Received Purchase Orders

Still on POS > Sales > Purchase Orders, click the “Received Orders” tab to see all received purchase orders.

To help you locate a specific received purchase order, you may search by invoice # or filter them by brand.

By clicking on the notepad icon under “Action Name” or the “Click to Edit” under “Stage”, you’ll launch a pop-up window called “View Detail.” In this window, you can review any instructions as well as the quantity, prices and request dates for this received purchase order.

NOTE: Clicking on the “Download” or “Print” icons will convert this “View Details” window into a PDF or printable document, respectively.

Direct Shipped

Still on POS > Sales > Purchase Orders, click the “Direct Shipped” tab to all see all purchase orders being directly shipped to your customers by a participating drop-ship manufacturer (such as Ashley Express).

To help you locate a specific direct shipped purchase order, you may search by invoice # or filter them by brand.

Stay tuned for future updates to this feature!

Cancelled Purchase Orders

Still on POS > Sales > Purchase Orders, click the “Cancelled” tab to see each purchase order that has been canceled by you or your vendor.

To help you locate a specific direct shipped purchase order, you may search by invoice # or filter them by brand.

By clicking on the notepad icon under “Action Name” or the “Click to Edit” under “Stage”, you’ll launch a pop-up window called “View Detail.” In this window, you can review any instructions as well as the quantity, prices and request dates for this cancelled purchase order.

NOTE: Clicking on the “Download” or “Print” icons will convert this “View Details” window into a PDF or printable document, respectively.

Please follow the following steps to onboard a a new customer:

  1. Clone & Customize "POS Billing Template"
    1. This is mandatory even if there is an introductory offer
    2. Let billing know length of introductory offer
    3. Put in Billing Queue
  2. Clone & Customize POS Set Up
    1. Put in Programming Internal Queue
  3. Clone & Customize "Account Audit and Data Migration Quote"
    1. Put in Programming Internal Queue

How to Access Collected Consumer Information on Websites:

  1. Navigate to POS > Settings > Consumer
  2. This area will show information that the website collects when customers create accounts on the website.

By logging into your Renaissance POS system, you can control logistics shipping for your store, from trucks, to drivers, calendars, and scheduled deliveries.

Adding New Delivery Trucks

Beginning on your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Sales > Logistic Shipping. Once on the “Logistic Shipping” page, click the “Delivery Trucks” tab.

Within this tab, you can see an entry for every delivery truck recognized by your POS system. If you wish to add a new delivery truck, click on “Add New” to launch a pop-up window entitled “Create/Edit Truck”.

When adding a new delivery truck, you may specify:

  1. “Name”
  2. “Service Unit Number”
  3. “Start Time”
  4. “End Time”
  5. “Capacity”
  6. “Color”

To save your changes, click on “Confirm”.

NOTE: You may change any details related to a delivery truck by clicking “Edit” next to that given entry.

Updating Availability of Delivery Trucks

Still on the “Delivery Trucks” tab of POS > Sales > Logistic Shipping, you can click on “Close Delivery Date” to control when a truck is available day-to-day throughout the month.

Clicking on the aforementioned link will launch a pop-up calendar window entitled “Close Truck Delivery Date”. The calendar days marked “Open” and “Closed” indicate when a delivery truck will be available You may click on any of these statuses to switch them from “Closed” to “Open” and vice versa.

Adding Truck Drivers as Users to Your POS

On your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Settings > Admins.

Once on the “Store Administrators” page, click on “Add Store Administrators+”; a new page will load. Here, click on “Select User Group” and highlight “Truck Drivers” from the pull-down menu; then fill in the remaining fields below from “Username” down to “Password”. In the final field, “Truck”, click “Select Truck” and use the pull-down menu to assign a delivery truck to the driver in question.

To save your changes, click on “Submit”.[1] 

NOTE: After you supply your truck driver with their “Username” and “Password”, they can log into the POS at the same “/storeadmin.php” url used by your admins. As Truck Drivers in your POS system, their left-side nav bar will be confined to a user Dashboard and “Logistic”—from where they can view and access assigned Delivery Manifests.

Scheduling Logistics and Deliveries

On your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Sales > Logistic Shipping.

With the “Open Orders” tab active, you can view, filter and search all your store’s Open Orders by their “Invoice #”, “Phone Number”, “First Name”, “Last Name”, and “Email”. and the details surrounding them, including the “Shipping Action” and “Shipping Status” of each Open Order.

To schedule a delivery for an (applicable) Open Order, click on “Schedule Delivery” below the “Shipping Action” column. A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to set a “Begin Date Time Window”, “End Date Time Window”, assign a “Truck” from a pulldown menu and specify the “Shipping Status” of the Open Order in question.

When ready, click on “Submit” to confirm your changes.

On the “Logistic Shippings” tab you should see your Open Order now marked as “Scheduled” (formerly “Schedule Delivery”) under “Shipping Action” .

Scheduling Partial Deliveries

If an order contains multiple products or items, you may schedule separate deliveries for them, however you wish. On POS > Sales > Logistic Shipping, click “Schedule Delivery” for such a case.

The “View Detail” pop-up window for this order will appear. Under “Item #”, check mark the item or items you wish to deliver separately, then indicate the start and end of the delivery window, as well as the truck in question. Click “Submit” to confirm your change.

Back on the POS > Sales > Logistic Shipping page, under the “Shipping Action” column, you will now see a courier id associated with this partial delivery.

NOTE: A unique delivery order will be generated for each partial order. Creating a partial delivery order will also lock previous delivered orders.

Accessing the Shipping Calendar

Still on POS > Sales > Logistic Shipping, select the “Shipping Calendar” tab at the top of the page.

Here you can view your monthly shipping calendar, month to month. An icon of a truck, with the truck’s POS designation, will be visible on days when shipping is scheduled. On past days, you will see a bar graph and chart indicating how many deliveries, returns and pick ups you had that day of the month.

After you click on a truck’s icon (differentiated by colored icons, and POS ids), a pop-up window will appear. On this truck’s “Delivery Manifest”, you can upload images (e.g. printed documents or photos of the physical shipment) by clicking “Photo(s)” and the camera icon. Click “Choose File” in the “Photo” pop-up window to browse your computer for any pertinent images. Back in the “Delivery Manifest”, you may update the “Arrival”, “Finished” and “Departure” time for this delivery by clicking “SUBMIT”.

If a “Delivery Manifest” is now open, you will see it marked as green and “Open” in the pop-up window. Closed “Delivery Manifests” will be marked red and “Closed”. Clicking on either status will open or close it, accordingly. 

NOTE: A store owner can override any time recorded in a “Delivery Manifest”.[2] 

When you’ve finished updating the “Delivery Manifest” for this truck, click anywhere outside of the pop-up window to return to the “Shipping Calendar”.

Viewing Completed Orders

Still in POS > Sales > Logistic Shipping, select the “Completed Orders” tab to search all your completed orders by “Invoice #”, “Phone Number”, “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Email”, and “Shipping Status”. In the table below, you may also sort through these by “Id”, “Date/time”, as well as “Total Amount” and “Shipping Action”. Your data, as displayed, may also be copied or exported into Excel, CSV, PDF or a printed document.

Using your Renaissance Dashboard, you can generate and print PDF hang tags for your physical store, synced with your POS system.

Building Your Hang Tag Store Logo

Beginning on your left-side nav bar, navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Hang Tag Generator.

Now on the the “Hang Tag Generator” page, click “Store Logo+”. You will be brought to the “Hang Tag Store Logo” page, where you’ll then click “Add New+”. When your screen reloads, you will see the following options:

  1. Name
  2. Price tag template
  3. Store Logo (You must upload an image that is 1152px by 288px or 8in by 2in at 144 dpi)

Click “Submit” to confirm your changes, or cancel to return to the “Hang Tag Store Logo” page. Once back on said page, click “Back to Hang Tag”.

Uploading a Brand Logo for Hang Tags

On the “Hang Tag Generator” page again, click on the “Brand Logo” tab.

Now click on “Add New Logo+”. When your page reloads, you will see the following options:

  1. Price tag template (Choose a template from the pulldown menu, and click the monitor icon to see a preview of it)
  2. Select (Choose the brand associated with this store product)
  3. Brand (You must upload an image that is 828px by 108px or 5.75in by 0.75in at 144 dpi)

Click “Submit” to confirm your changes.

Searching and Adding Products for Hang Tags

On the “Hang Tag Generator” page, click on the “Search” tab. Here you can search for all the products in your POS system by their “Name”, “SKU”, “Category” and “Brand”.

NOTE: Selecting “Sku Main all” will show all products with the name or SKU# entered.

After clicking on the magnifying glass icon, your results below will refresh. Checking off the box next to each product and clicking “Add New Products” will reload your page and bring you to the “Added” tab of the “Hang Tag Generator” page.

NOTE: Some hang tag template will have options to showcase more than one product. In these cases, more than one product may be selected at a time.

Within the “Added” tab, you’ll see the following options:

  1. Template (Choosing a template from the pulldown menu and clicking the monitor icon will display a preview of it)
  2. Header Logo (Select a logo that was previously uploaded)
  3. Text Copy/Content (Any text that you would like to accompany this hang tag)
  4. Color (Clicking on this field will allow you to choose a color from the spectrum)
  5. Font Size (Choose a font size from the pulldown menu)

Below these fields, check off each of the products you would like to include in this newly generated hang tag.

NOTE: Clicking “EDIT” will give you the option to add or remove other products from said product’s collection.

When you’re ready, click on “Generate Hang Tag”. When your page reloads, you will now be on the “Generated” tab of the “Hang Tag Generator” page.

Viewing and Downloading Your Generated Hang Tags

Within the “Generated” tab, you can search for all hang tags ever generated by choosing a date range and template type.

Once a date range and template has been selected, the table below will automatically fill with generated hang tags, sorted by “Name”, “SKU”, “Category” and “Brand”.

You may preview any of these hang tags by clicking the “Preview” icon under the “PDF” column. You may also click “Download PDF” to save them to your computer where they can then be opened and printed.

We’ve provided an example of how one of your generated hang tags might appear:

  1. Header Logo
  2. Text Area
  3. Product Chosen
  4. Other products in this collection
  5. Master Brand Logo
  6. QR Code (Automatically Generated)

As customers apply for credit applications and financing, and you continue to sell inventory, your POS system will be collecting data that you can later generate and export from the Renaissance Dashboard.

Generating a Report from Credit Applications

On your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Reports > Credit App.

Here on the “Credit Application” page, you can search for customers’ credit applications by date, first name, last name, address, city, state, zip, phone number, email, as well as date of birth, and SSN.

By using the “records” pulldown menu, you can adjust the number of credit applications visible on this page, changing it from 10 to 25, 50, 100 or all.

To generate and export a report of all visible credit applications, click on “Excel”, “CSV” or “PDF.”

NOTE: Under the “Action” column, click “view” to view the credit app from within your browser.

Generating a Report from Financing

On your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Reports > Financing

Here on the “Financing” page, you can search for financing applications by name of applicant, co-applicant status, date of birth, and date of application.

By using the “records” pulldown menu, you can adjust the number of financing applications visible on this page, changing it from 10 to 25, 50, 100 or all.

To generate and export a report of all visible financing applications, click on “Excel”, “CSV” or “PDF.”

Generating a Report from Full Credit Applications

On your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Reports > Full Credit Applications

Here on the “Full Credit Application” page, you can search customers’ full credit applications by the date range in which they were submitted.

By using the “records” pulldown menu, you can adjust the number of long credit applications visible on this page, changing it from 10 to 25, 50, 100 or all.

To generate and export a report of all visible long credit applications, click on “Excel”, “CSV” or “PDF.”

NOTE: You can click the “Manage Form Fields” button on this page to enable or disable different fields in the full credit application that customers see.

Generating a Report from the Gift Registry

On your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Reports > Gift Registry

Here on the “Gift Registry” page, you can search customers’ gift registries by the date on which they were submitted, as well as the “Consumer Name”, “Consumer Email”, “Gift Registry Name” and “Gift Registry Total Product Value”.

By using the “records” pulldown menu, you can adjust the number of gift registries visible on this page, changing it from 10 to 25, 50, 100 or all.

To generate and export a report of all visible gift registries, click on “Excel”, “CSV” or “PDF.”

Generating a Report from Product Availability Requests

On your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Reports > Product Availability.

Here on the “Product Availability” page, you can search for product availability requests made by customers by the date range in which they were submitted.

By using the “records” pulldown menu, you can adjust the number of product availability requests visible on this page, changing it from 10 to 25, 50, 100 or all.

To generate and export a report of all visible product availability requests, click on “Excel”, “CSV” or “PDF.”

Generating a Report from Sales

On your left-side navbar, navigate to POS > Reports > Sales Report.

Here on the “Sales Report” page, you have multiple options to search and sort for individual products sold in your stores, including “Brand”, “Category”, “Product Name”, “SKU”, “Sales Person”, “Sales Source”, date, and “Store Location”.

After you perform a search, by clicking the yellow magnifying glass icon, your results will display in the table below. You may sort these results by “Name”, “SKU”, “Category”, “Brand”, “Base Price” “Retail Price”, and “Sold QTY”.

By toggling the “records” pulldown menu, you can adjust the number of product sales visible on this page, changing it from 10 to 25, 50, 100 or all.

Under the “Actions” column of each product, click “View Orders” to open a pop-up window with a list of all associated sales. To generate and export a sales report for this individual report, click on “Excel”, “CSV” or “PDF.”

Program Content

RenARK™ App / Kiosk

Our App and Kiosk includes:

  • Unlimited User Licenses
  • Unlimited Devices
  • Reporting

Additional features:

  • Hang Tag QR Code Generator
  • Showcase Ashley Inventory

Contact [email protected] for pricing. If you've already signed up for the RenARK App and have been provided credentials, please watch our Tutorial Video here.

The most recent version of the RenARK App is 4.1.0

  • The RenCommerce RenARK Legacy App has been sunset but rest assured you are still supported and the App will work on your current device
  • Please sign out and download the RenARK App in Google or Apple depending on your device to experience our RenCommerce RenARK App
  • Once you have updated the App manually to the most recent version, the App will auto update going forward once you've connected to the internet

Your current hardware consists of two parts:

  • One kiosk touch screen monitor and one Chromebox that runs your software
  • As a visual example, think of your old monitor that had wires connecting to a tower

1. Your RenARK App may NOT run on an outdated or obsolete Chromebox
2. Your new Chromebox, loaded properly with the RenARK App may NOT run on an outdated or obsolete kiosk touchscreen monitor
3. Outdated or obsolete hardware is typically two (2) to three (3) years or older and may not work as noted above and may not support App updates

With your RenArk-installed Chrome Box, you can connect your RenCommerce ready Master Catalogs and your In-Store Catalogs to your touch-screen kiosk(s), quickly and effortlessly!

If you have purchased your Chrome Box through Renaissance and Best Buy Electronics, your Chrome Box will be delivered pre-installed and ready to go.

Your Chrome Box contains:

  1. The latest version of the RenARK™ App
  2. Your store login and password saved
  3. Your store’s Wifi, pre-configured (when applicable)

To get started, locate the following ports on the back of your Chrome Box:

  1. Power (feeding electricity to your CB)
  2. HDMI (connecting your kiosk display)
  3. USB (connecting your input, be it touch-screen or mouse and keyboard)
  4. Ethernet (when applicable, or as a backup to your Wifi)

Starting with the power port, connect your Kiosk and your Chrome Box’s power supplies to an electrical outlet. You will see a blue light on your Chrome Box indicating that it has been turned on.

Proceed to connect an HDMI cable between the HDMI port of your Kiosk and the HDMI port of your Chrome Box. If your Kiosk was already connected to a computer, unplug the HDMI cable, remove said computer, then plug the Kiosk’s HDMI into your Chrome Box.

Referring to your Kiosk’s side panel, connect the USB input port on the Kiosk, and one of the USB ports of your Chrome Box, to utilize a touch-screen input. If you do not have a touch-screen device, you may connect a USB mouse and keyboard to your Chrome Box.

Once powered on and connected, your Kiosk will display a Google Chrome Box loading screen. Please allow yourself at least 5-10 minutes for the Chrome Box to fully load. You will see your store’s RenArk home screen, all ready for you and your customers, once the device has finished loading.

Note: Your Chrome Box will reload any time it is turned off and on. Your store’s login will always be remembered, along with your Wifi information. 

Yes, whatever Master Product Catalog brands are present on your Desktop and Mobile site will automatically transition and update onto RenARK Kiosk App Program.

Note: When adding In-Store Products to your RenCommerce website, the newly added products will not be available to be synced/updated to the RenARK app for 24 hours.

Requirements for iPad Hardware

  • Model: iPad mini and above
  • OS: iOS 12 and above
  • Storage: Min 128 GB but 256 GB is recommended for multiple catalogs

Requirements for Android Tablet and Kiosk Hardware

  • Screen Size: 8 inches and above
  • Screen Resolution: Between 1024 x 768 to 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • OS: Android 11 and above
  • Storage: Min 128 GB and above
  • Memory (RAM): Min 8 GB and above
  • Ability to access the Google Play store and run Android apps. If you are using a Chromebox, check this list to see if your device is listed: https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/chrome-os-systems-supporting-android-apps

How to Download and Install the Website App on Your Device

  1. Begin by proceeding to the Apple Store, or Google Play Store, if you own an Apple or Android device, respectively. In the store search bar, type “RenARK” or “Renaissance Retail Kiosk” to find the RenARK App page. Click on “Get” or “Install” (on an Apple or Android, respectively) to download and install the application.
  2. On the sign in prompt, please login with your Google credentials, or create an account and then sign in once the account has been created.

Once the website app is installed on your device, locate it among your installed applications and launch it. You will be prompted to enter a Username, Password, and URL—all of which will be provided to you by Renaissance.

NOTE: Any retailer with a Renaissance website can use the “Catalog only” version of the RenARK Kiosk app. The “E-commerce” addons are enabled with the Renaissance POS and extends additional features and functionality, from the mobile shopping cart to your POS.

Logging into Your Website App Admin

On any page of the RenARK app, press and hold your store’s logo to access the login for your website app admin (for approximately 5 seconds). In the login box, enter the same password you used previously to log into the website app.

Whenever you wish to logout of your RenARK app admin, press on the logo and you will return to the RenARK app front-end.

Updating Products within the RenARK App Admin

Before beginning a product update, ensure that you have a stable Wifi connection. If at any time your Wifi connection is disrupted, you may log back into the RenARK application and resume the update from where it stopped. You will know the update is complete by the appearance of the date in a grey bar. After the update is successful, you will then update your images to your products, fully-arming your RenARK kiosk.

Clicking on “Catalog Update” in RenARK app admin mirrors all product on your website. “Data Update” will upload locally stored Wish Lists and any Inquiries to your website database, so that you can engage with your consumer later.

Updating Your Homepage Graphic and Logo

Your app is customized and branded with your store ‘s logo. Your homepage graphic and store logo can both be customized 100%. If you wish to change or update this graphic in any way, you can do so by logging into your Dashboard and navigating to POS Settings > RenARK™ App or you can contact your Renaissance Program Content Specialist at [email protected]

RenARK App Homepage

Within the RenARK app, you may frequent seven different types of pages, starting with your store’s Homepage.

  • On your Homepage you may utilize the navigation menu, mirrored after your website’s navigation menu. All your product categories and brands will be accessible from here.
  • Clicking on the heart icon or “Wishlist” will allow you to see the products that a customer has saved for a future purchase.
  • You may also search for a product by its SKU or keywords, by utilizing the search bar on the Homepage.
  • If the Layaway module is enabled for your website, products of this brand may be added to Layaway.
  • Clicking on the QR Code icon will allow you to scan a unique QR code for a specific product in your store’s catalog.*
  • You can click on the UP Button to activate your In-Store Analytics and CSR Sales Tool.
  • You can click on the Star to initiate a Review in real-time.

Subcategory and Product Detail Pages

By navigating to a product category and subsequent subcategory page, you can take advantage of advanced filters—as you would on your website—to narrow down your selection by price or by subtype.

On any product detail page, you can see all related products and collections at a glance, as well as high-resolution photos of the said product.

Product Wishlists and Inquiries

Pressing the “Wishlist” or heart icon will launch a pop-up window. In this window you can record your customer’s contact information, including their phone number, email and home address.

In a similar vein, pressing on the “Inquiry” icon will launch its own pop-up window. Here you can record a customer’s contact information, and automatically email them details about that product in question.

QR Code Scanning

After enabling the Hang Tag generator for your website app, you may scan any generated QR code to automatically jump to that product’s detail page on your tablet.

NOTE: You must purchase the Hang Tag generator add-on to enable this feature within the website app.

Collection Consumer Data

When engaging with a prospective customer on the sales floor of your store, you can collect and save data about said customer through your website app on your tablet.

Click on the green “UP” icon to launch a small pop-up window. Here you can save and gather all the data supplied by your new or prospective customer, such as their name, address, and email.

Finalizing a Sale by Tablet

After updating your customer’s shopping cart on your website app, connect to a WiFi connection to finalize your entire sale, from shipping to the Sales section of your POS system.

On the “1 Shopping Cart” page, click the “>” in the lower right corner of your app to proceed to the “2 Calculate Shipping” page. Here you can choose a location by country, state, city and zip code or click on “Free Instore Pickup” to skip calculating any shipping for this order. Again, you will click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to the next step,

“3 Purchase Type”

If your customer will be paying by Lay-A-Way, you may click on “Choose Lay-A-Way Payment Plan” and enter the monthly payment amount, along with the total number of payments. If your customer wishes to pay in full, click on “Choose to Pay in Full”, where you may apply any discount coupons towards this order. Click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to “4 Billing & Shipping."

On the “4 Billing and Shipping” page, you may search for your customer by phone number or email or checkout as a guest (and, if the customer wishes, create a new account in the process, by email and phone number). Click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to the next step.

If a customer already exists in your system, the website app will populate as much of “4 Billing and Shipping” as possible with available billing and delivery information. New customers will require a new billing and delivery address, accordingly. When ready, click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to “5 Order Summary”

NOTE: If your customer opted for a free in-store pickup, the delivery address for this order will be the location of your store.

On the “5 Order Summary” page, your customer will agree to the terms of your store’s delivery and return policy. A pop-up window will appear entitled “Return / Exchange Policy & Customer Satisfaction." Have your customer review these terms before agreeing to them, then proceed to the final step, “6 Make Payment."

At the “6 Make Payment” page, you may opt to “Pay With Square” or “Pay at Store, Send to Register.” Regardless of which option you choose, a pop-up will appear, indicating that the order has been “successfully sent to the Sales Section of your POS."

NOTE: You can access any sales orders initiated and finalized through your website app by launching your Renaissance Dashboard. Once logged in, go to your left-side nav bar and head to POS > Sales > All Sales. You may search and view the status of any sales orders by invoice #, customer phone number, first name, last name or email.


  1. Connect a USB keyboard to your Chromebox
  2. Restart the Chromebox
  3. While on the white Initializing Application screen, press Ctrl + Alt + S on keyboard to break out of kiosk mode
  4. Select browse as guest (if prompted to login)
  5. Go to settings and connect to WiFi network
  6. Restart Chromebox and allow RenArk to load


  1. Press button or buttons on the back of the Elo Device
  2. The Control Panel Password prompt should appear. The password should be 1elo or elo1.
  3. Click on Network
  4. Connect to WiFi network
  5. Restart device and allow RenArk to load

Yes, your Chrome Box that drives the 22”, 42” and 46" Android kiosks can all be hardwired to the internet with an ethernet connection instead of WiFi

If you are facing RenARK login problems most likely you are not connected to the internet. This needs to be done only once and the computer you are using will be able to automatically log you in from now on. Here are the steps to get your computer connected to the internet.

By default, your Chromebox requires a Gmail account. Please create a Google account for your business and use it to log into Chrome using the below credentials:

In order to get connected to the internet, we have to exit the kiosk mode. 

  1. Make sure to power-off your computer
  2. When your computer is completely off, power it back on and while it is still booting simultaneously press the following buttons on your keyword: CTRL+ALT+S this will allow you to boot your computer normally without launching the RenARK application
  3. Once your computer is powered up, connect it to the internet. The internet icon should be located in the bottom right corner of your screen
  4. Once you are connected to the internet, simply reboot your computer and it will automatically boot into your kiosk mode
  5. Now you will be able to login with your username and password provided by Renaissance

You cannot log in to RenARK™

  1. Confirm that you have the correct user, password, and domain
    1. Your User and Passwords are managed in RenCommerce > Dashboard > POS Setttings > Users > Users
  2. Confirm that the domain is being entered in the domain field
  3. If they you cannot log in, please send a screenshot to [email protected]

Product Data or Prices Not Updating

  1. The RenARK™ app updates product data from a file on the web server that is specifically generated for the RenARK™ app. This file will be automatically re-generated once per day upon receiving a request from the app to update. If you go to update the product data and see a message about "Preparing Fresh Data", this is the file re-generating.
  2. It is recommended that the you set up a daily Auto Sync in the early morning hours to re-generate and update the product data prior to the store opening for the day.
    • If the auto update is set, any changes to prices or products on the website will automatically be reflected in the RenARK app on the next day
  3. If the you have made changes on the website and need them to reflect on the app on the same day, we can clear the RenARK product data manually. Please send a request to [email protected]

Product Data or Images not Updating (Product/Images are missing)

  1. This can happen if your device has run out of local storage. If you have a large number of catalogs and are updating the images to your Chrome Box, the image files may fill up your local storage.
  2. To address this, the product images can be removed from the device and served from the web servers. Please note that the device must be connected to the Internet at all times with this options.
  3. In the RenARK admin area, go to Other Options and set the Image Source to Online.
  4. Select Yes on the pop-up to delete all stored images. This may take several minutes if there were a large amount of stored images.
  5. After this is complete, initiate a new sync.

Sending Requests to Renaissance

  1. If the issue persists, please send to [email protected] with the following information:
    1. Manufacturer and model of the Chrome Box device
    2. Version of the app installed (found in admin area under App Info)
    3. Date/Time of last sync
      • Specifically, screenshots of the Catalog Update and Update-Products screens showing the timestamps of the last update
    4. Detailed description of the issue along with screenshots

The RenArk Web App allows you to upload video files under 100MB in size that will play as a screen saver when the tablet/kiosk app isn't in use. It's important to make sure the file size is under 100MB and the name of the video file contains no spaces.

Example: sofavideo.mp4

To add video to RenARK App:

You will need an MP4 file (100MB Max, no spaces in the file name)

In the Master Admin, navigate to the "Kiosk Site" tab.

Upload the MP4 file under "Kiosk App Video"

Within the admin portion of the app, navigate to "Screen Saver Video" and click "Download." The video will download, and show next to selected video. You can also specify the number of minutes before the screensaver video plays on the website.

When a price sync is initiated on a device using RenARK, does it update from the web database or a stored JSON file?

  • It updates from the stored JSON file. As we have both Product & Price in the same JSON file.

How often is that file updated?

The JSON is generated everyday with the very first request comes from the RenARK App to Store. This is per store per brand file generation.

  • i.e. If on 2/1/2019 a JSON file exist for "CheapFurnitureDirect" for "Signature Design by Ashley" brand, the new JSON file will be generated for the same store and same brand ONLY when the SYNC call is requested to the FMD Live Server from the App Login of the "CheapFurnitureDirect".

If it is a stored file that is automatically updated, can we confirm that the automatic updates are taking place?

  • No, if the JSON file is already generated on any particular day, the new JSON file will only be generated for that store for that brand, if there is a Request for Sync from App to Server on the next day.

If it is a stored file, is there any way to purge the stored file and generate fresh data like we can for product data?

  • If it is the same day on which the file is generated, and you want a new file to be generated, you have to manually purge and then hit "Update" again from the App.

If the Autosync feature is set up on a device, does that include a Price Update?

  • Yes it does sync prices within the product JSON file.

Collecting Consumer Data

When engaging with a prospective customer on the sales floor of your store, you can collect and save data about said customer through the RenArk Website Application on your tablet or kiosk.

Click on the green “UP” icon to launch a small pop-up window. Here you can save and gather all the data supplied by your new or prospective customer, such as their name, address, and email.

NOTE: With the E-Commerce addon for the RenARK app, you can guide a customer through the entire sales process—from inquiry to checkout—all on your tablet or kiosk. POS system integrations then permit you to retrieve the completed sale, and adjust your inventory, by logging into your Renaissance Dashboard.

Finalizing a Sale by Tablet

After updating your customer’s shopping cart on the RenARK Website Application, connect to a WiFi connection to finalize the entire sale, from the shipping to checkout.

On the “1 Shopping Cart” page, click the “>” in the lower right corner of your app to proceed to the “2 Calculate Shipping” page. Here you can choose a location by country, state, city and zip code or click on “Free Instore Pickup” to skip calculating any shipping for this order. Again, you will click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to the next step, “3 Purchase Type.”

If your customer will be paying by Lay-A-Way, you may click on “Choose Lay-A-Way Payment Plan” and enter the monthly payment amount, along with the total number of payments. If your customer wishes to pay in full, click on “CHOOSE TO PAY IN FULL”, where you may apply any discount coupons towards this order. Click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to “4 Billing & Shipping.”

On the “4 Billing and Shipping” page, you may search for your customer by phone number or checkout as a guest (and, if the customer wishes, create a new account in the process, by email and phone number). Click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to the next step.

If a customer already exists in your system, the RenARK app will populate as much of “4 Billing and Shipping” as possible with available billing and delivery information. New customers will require a new billing and delivery address, accordingly. When ready, click on the “>” in the lower right to proceed to “5 Order Summary.”

NOTE: If your customer opted for a free in-store pickup, the delivery address for this order will be the location of your store.

On the “5 Order Summary” page, your customer will agree to the terms of your store’s delivery and return policy. A pop-up window will appear entitled “Return / Exchange Policy & Customer Satisfaction.” Have your customer review these terms before agreeing to them, then proceed to the final step, ”6 Make Payment.”

At the “6 Make Payment” page, you may opt to “Pay With Square” or “PAY AT STORE Send to Register.” Regardless of which option you choose, a pop-up will appear, indicating that the order has been “successfully sent to the Sales Section of your POS.”

NOTE: You can retrieve any sales orders initiated and finalized through your RenARK Website app by launching your Renaissance Dashboard. Once logged in, go to your left-side nav bar and head to POS > Sales > All Sales. You may search and view the status of any sales orders by invoice #, customer phone number, first name, last name or email.

You can enable the in-app browser in your RenArk app by going into the app admin area, selecting Other Options, then selecting Show Browse Icon. This will place the browser icon in the upper right section of the screen. When the in-app browser is launched, you may visit any website assuming your device is connected to the Internet.

The "Browse" icon allows your kiosk/tablet/iPad to link to a specific website URL (ie. your Renaissance website). You can quickly jump between the URL and the App as needed while this function is enabled.

To enable this feature, press and hold your logo at the top center of the App screen and input your password when prompted to access the App Admin Panel.

Navigate to "Other Options", toggle on "Show Browse Icon" and input the full website URL of your choice making sure to include https:// or http://

Please note: The "www." portion of the URL is not required.

Reputation Management

No, posting reviews for customers violates many review sites' terms of service. Such actions could lead to the removal of reviews and a potential "consumer alert" on a business's listing for violating these terms.

Using an automated service is more cost-effective than manually managing emails, follow-ups, and responses. Additionally, emails cannot filter out negative reviews. Our Reviews Management Service identifies reviews of 3 stars or less and immediately alerts the business owner, enabling a swift response to any dissatisfaction.

Having reviews across numerous sites boosts your business's visibility and reputation on Google searches. It also reduces the impact of any single site that may filter out positive reviews unfavorably. Additionally, different apps prioritize businesses based on reviews from various sites, so a broad presence enhances your chance of ranking higher in search results.

Yes, if the process is streamlined and simplified. Our service, being private and not requiring login details, facilitates this. Additionally, offering incentives like coupons legally through our platform can effectively encourage reviews and promote your business.

Yes, significantly. A Nielsen study involving 28,000 people across 50 countries found online reviews to be the second most trusted form of advertising after personal referrals. Numerous studies confirm that reviews play a crucial role in consumer decision-making for selecting businesses or services.

Reviews can be gathered through email, campaign services, QR codes, a "Rate Us" button, an embedded website form, or on a tablet at a client's location. Our service is smartphone-optimized for easy review submission and navigation.

No, our service has no limits on the number of reviews collected to encourage more feedback without disincentivizing through additional fees.

Businesses should aim to collect reviews on as many sites as possible but focus on monitoring 3 to 7 initially. This helps in recognizing the value and effort in building an online reputation, leading to better client retention.

Removing negative reviews is challenging and rarely successful. The best strategy is to overshadow them with positive reviews.

Results typically appear within 3 to 6 months, depending on the number of reviewers, service configuration, and campaign usage.

It's not effective." Monitoring alone doesn’t solve the problem. Our service actively encourages positive reviews to mitigate negative ones.

Our service costs only $199/ month with savings on additional locations. Consider the marketing mix; online reviews are crucial for attracting new customers, often offering better ROI than traditional advertising. Compare the cost to their spending on less effective marketing channels. Our service provides valuable features that, if priced individually, would cost significantly more.


Renaissance's Google Ads services are tailored to your unique business needs, leveraging our expertise in keyword targeting, ad copywriting, and campaign optimization to maximize your ROI.
With Renaissance, Google Ads can drive targeted traffic to your website, increase brand visibility, and generate leads or sales, all while our dedicated team monitors and optimizes your campaigns for optimal performance.
Yes, Renaissance works closely with you to establish a budget that aligns with your goals and ensures efficient spending on Google Ads, maximizing your return on investment.
Renaissance offers a range of Google Ads campaign types, including Search, Display, Video, and Shopping campaigns, each tailored to reach your target audience effectively.
Renaissance provides detailed performance reports that track key metrics such as clicks, conversions, cost-per-acquisition (CPA), and return on ad spend (ROAS), demonstrating the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Absolutely, Renaissance continuously monitors and optimizes your Google Ads campaigns, refining targeting, adjusting bids, and testing ad creatives to ensure ongoing success and improvement.
Yes, Renaissance keeps you informed with regular updates and reports on the performance of your Google Ads campaigns, along with insights and recommendations for further optimization.
Renaissance conducts thorough audience research and utilizes advanced targeting options to ensure your Google Ads campaigns reach the most relevant audience for your products or services.
Yes, Renaissance can develop and implement remarketing strategies through Google Ads to re-engage users who have previously visited your website, increasing conversion rates and maximizing your marketing efforts.
Renaissance prides itself on providing exceptional customer support for Google Ads clients, offering dedicated account managers who are readily available to address any questions or concerns and provide personalized guidance for your campaigns.


Renaissance employs a holistic approach to SEO, focusing on optimizing your website's technical structure, content, and backlink profile to improve visibility, attract organic traffic, and drive conversions.
Renaissance's SEO services are tailored to your business goals and industry, with a focus on sustainable, long-term results through ethical practices and continuous optimization.
Absolutely, Renaissance provides comprehensive insights into the benefits of SEO for your business, illustrating how improved search engine visibility can lead to increased website traffic, leads, and revenue.
Results vary based on factors like competition and the current state of your website, but Renaissance typically delivers noticeable improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic within a few months.
Yes, Renaissance offers expertise in both on-page and off-page SEO techniques, including keyword optimization, content creation, technical enhancements, and link building, to maximize your website's visibility and authority.
Yes, Renaissance conducts regular SEO audits and provides detailed performance reports, highlighting areas for improvement and tracking progress toward your SEO goals.
Renaissance stays ahead of the curve by continuously monitoring SEO trends and algorithm updates, adapting strategies accordingly to maintain and improve your website's search engine visibility.
Absolutely, Renaissance specializes in local SEO techniques, optimizing your website for local search queries and ensuring your business appears prominently in local search results and Google Maps listings.
Yes, Renaissance offers ongoing support and consultation to ensure the success of your SEO strategy, providing guidance, recommendations, and adjustments as needed to achieve your business objectives.

Social Media

Social media marketing is the process of promoting a product or service through various social media platforms. It involves creating and sharing content, engaging with followers, and running advertisements to reach a wider audience and achieve marketing goals.

The choice of social media platforms depends on your target audience and business goals. Popular platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, TikTok, X (Formerly Twitter), Threads, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. We analyze your audience demographics and behaviors to recommend the best platforms for your business.

The ideal posting frequency varies by platform and your specific audience. Generally, it's recommended to post at least once a day on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, and more frequently on Twitter. We help devise a tailored posting schedule that maximizes engagement without overwhelming your audience.

Yes, we offer comprehensive social media management services that include managing all your social media accounts. This encompasses content creation, scheduling, engagement, and analytics tracking to ensure a cohesive and effective social media strategy.

Our content strategy is customized to your brand and audience. It can include a mix of educational articles, promotional posts, user-generated content, behind-the-scenes looks, and interactive media like polls and quizzes to engage your audience.

We use a variety of metrics to measure success, including engagement rates, follower growth, website traffic from social media, conversion rates, and overall ROI. Regular reports will be provided to keep you informed about your social media performance.

Yes, we specialize in social media advertising across all major platforms. This includes ad creation, targeting, and optimization to ensure your campaigns reach the right audience and achieve your marketing objectives efficiently.

Results from social media marketing can vary based on factors like your industry, competition, and the current state of your social media presence. Generally, it takes 3-6 months to start seeing noticeable results as your audience grows and engagement increases.

Our social media marketing services are tailored to each client's specific needs and goals, so costs can vary. We offer different packages and can provide a custom quote based on your business size, objectives, and desired level of service. Our basic package starts at $199 and includes management of Facebook & Instagram.

Absolutely! Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for real-time customer service. Responding promptly to inquiries, feedback, and reviews on social media can significantly enhance your customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Video Marketing

Video content is in demand now more than ever, due to its versatility and ability to convey emotion that resonates deeply with viewers — all in as few as 30 seconds, or even 6!

As an engaging and entertaining top-of-the-funnel marketing tool, video can be used to drive awareness of your business, consideration of your product and services, and traffic to your website and store.

Renaissance is your creative partner, and one-stop-shop, for your next production.

We can take care of the entire video production process, including developing creative concepts, script writing, storyboarding, filming, editing, motion graphic design, 2D & 3D animation, as well as podcast production.

Plus, Renaissance can help launch your video across multiple platforms including the web, social media, and television.

If you’re interested in having Renaissance create a video for you, please fill out the contact form on our Get Started page by clicking here, or email the video department directly at [email protected].

Upon receipt of your contact form or email, a video producer will contact you to set up a pre-production/discovery call, during which you’ll discuss your desired style, tone, goals, and expectations as it relates to your video production.

The producer will then suggest a detailed video production solution, and present you with a formal scope of work and pricing estimate.

Typically, a 50% deposit is required to begin production.

In the example of the production of a custom, 30 second promotional video, Renaissance’s video team will then create a draft of a custom script that includes any key messaging, pricing, and incentive language you discussed. 

This draft will then be shared with you to allow you the opportunity to make modifications to, or formally approve, the script.

Upon script approval, formal production of your video will begin, including the creation and/or sourcing of featured digital assets (high resolution product images, video footage filmed by Renaissance or provided by you, motion graphic design, animations, etc).

The sourcing of voiceover talent and royalty-free music occurs during this phase as well.

All of these elements are then handed over to the editing team which initiates the post-production phase of the process.

A Renaissance video editor will then weave all of the aforementioned assets into a video “proof”, which is essentially a first draft of your video, which we will submit to you for your review, feedback, and approval. 

Upon approval of the video proof, a final version of the video will be provided to you via a download link in 1920x1080 HD, .mp4 format.

Pricing for the creation of a video varies depending on a number of factors including the type of medium (ex. live action, high resolution still imagery, 2D & 3D animation, etc), level of production, and video length.

A list of our most popular services and associated price points are included below:

Custom Videos - Starting at $999
Custom Video  |  Click Here to Watch

Our Custom Promotional Videos Include:

  • A custom script
  • A professional voiceover
  • Music soundtrack
  • Motion graphics
  • Your choice of product images, price points, and incentives to highlight
  • Store logo, website, and store location details

Additional Types of Custom Videos Include:

  • Brand Videos
  • 3D Animated Videos
  • 2D Explainer Videos
  • Product Demos
  • Recruiting and Onboarding Videos
  • Company Profiles
  • Honoree and Tribute Videos
  • How-To’s
  • Events & more

3D Animation  |  Click Here to Watch
2D Explainer  |  Click Here to Watch
Video Profile - Narrative  |  Click Here to Watch

Program Videos - $499/each

Select from our extensive library of promotional video templates specially themed for holidays, seasonal campaigns, events, and more.

Within this option, the general design and structure of the video remains as is, but you have the ability to:

  • Modify the script and voiceover
  • Select the product images, price points, and incentives to highlight
  • Include your store logo, web address, and store location details

Program Video Template  |  Click Here to Watch
Client Video  |  Click Here to Watch

Video Prime Subscription  - $100/month

As a Renaissance Video Prime monthly subscriber, you’ll gain unlimited access to an extensive library of videos that can be used, as is, on your website and within email blasts - for only $100 a month.

Video Prime Video  |  Click Here to Watch

Depending on the extent of the updates, modifications to a previously produced 30 second promotional video can range from $199 to $499.

A 30 second custom video can take anywhere from 5 days to 3 months, depending on the complexity of the project.

Example: A typical custom, still-image-based promotional video takes about one business week to produce. Meanwhile, a 3D animated explainer video might take 3 months to produce.

Yes! Renaissance’s copywriting team can take care of creating a video concept and crafting the perfect script for your project.

Yes! Working with Renaissance, you’ll have access to a talented network of professional voiceover artists that can cater to your unique audience and specific marketing needs.

Yes! During the pre-production phase of our process, we will ask you where you’d like to distribute and share your video and determine the ideal file type, aspect ratio, and video quality format to suit your social media sharing needs.

As a standard, we provide you with a download link to the final video file that you can then upload to your desired social media platform. 

Note: If you happen to subscribe to Renaissance’s social media marketing services, a member of our team can upload and post your video to your social media pages on your behalf. Click here to learn more about Renaissance’s Social Media marketing services.

Yes! If you can provide a vector version (.ai or .eps file format) of your logo, Renaissance can create a logo animation that can be used as a “bumper” (intro/outro) to your videos. Logo animations fall under our custom video category price point which starts at $999.

Website Production

Our CMS includes:

  • Shopping Cart
  • Unlimited Product Catalogs
  • Showcase Collection and
  • Related Items
  • Advanced Attribute Filtering
  • Easily Merchandise In-stock, On
  • Display, Clearance and Sale Items
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Customizable Drag & Drop Dashboard

Included at no-additional cost:

  • Direct Express Tagging 
  • RenARK App
  • Marketing Collateral*

*No Cost Collateral are to be used as-is. All theme customizations are subject to additional fees. To request Marketing Collateral, please visit https://www.rencomgroup.com/page/collateral and email [email protected] with your banner theme choice and start/end dates.

Renaissance uses its own platform, custom-built to meet the needs of our clients, we call it RenCommerce. Using our own platform allows us to control all aspects.

At this time our team will only work on our own platform and catalog data is exclusive to our platform. When signing up with Renaissance, we will have a new custom built website on our RenCommerce Platform.
Yes! It is highly recommended that you use any current domains.
Does Renaissance have to own your Domain?
  • No, we do not need the domain to be transferred to Renaissance 
What We Need
  • Access to wherever your domain is registered (GoDaddy.com, Bluehost, Name Cheap) to make setting changes to make the new site LIVE
The Yes To LIVE process is about 4-6 weeks, this time starts when we receive the following
  • Signed Order Form 
  • Signed Terms & Conditions and Dashboard Waiver 
  • Primary Information is Collected 
Communication is the main factor in getting the site live in a shorter time.
Yes! Once the site is LIVE, you will be given access to the Dashboard. Once you have access to the Dashboard you can schedule a training session with the Content Team by emailing [email protected].

Note: The Dashboard credentials that you recieve are also your RenARK App credentials with the addition of your website's full URL (https://www.storename.com)
  • $500 Setup Fee & $299 Monthly 
  • Verified HFA (Home Furnishings Association) members are eligible for a $100 monthly discount 

When does billing start?

  • Websites are billed on the 1st of every month once the site is LIVE
  • You will also be billed a prorated amount on the month the website goes live
Yes! All of our websites are built for eCommerce and the shopping cart can be enabled or disabled at anytime.
Is there a cost to have a shopping cart?
  • There is no cost on our end to have the shopping cart enabled, however, the Payment Gateway that will process the funds does charge their merchant fees.
A retailer is able to have two Google Analytic sets of code on a Renaissance website. Renaissance will create one of the sets and will maintain primary admin ownership of that account. You can create a second account for your Renaissance website as the Primary Admin and we will install the code on your Renaissance website for you once you supply the code.
The Content Team is your main point of contact for questions, changes, requests, trainings and much more by emailing [email protected]. If they are unable to resolve your request, they will direct it to the appropriate team.

If you identify inaccuracies in a catalog's product information, report these issues directly to [email protected].
  • Filled out and Signed Order Form 
  • Signed and Initialed Terms and Conditions 
  • Signed Dashboard Waiver
  • Setup Fee paid 
All catalogs have different on-boarding processes. Some require manufacturer approval and/or account information may be needed for verification, while others require price lists and/or portal access. Our team will let you know what is required for on-boarding the specific catalog you would like to add to the website.
You will receive an email from the website with the invoice containing the consumer and product information. From there it is your responsibility to contact the consumer and place the order with the manufacturer if needed.

Required Information Includes:

  • Start/End Date and Times for all Promotional Pieces
  • Homepage Banner Content
    • ​If store themed (matches website branding), please provide verbiage and where the banner should link to
    • If Marketing Collateral, please provide the theme name and number (all Marketing Collateral banners are as-is as no charge - all customizations are subject to additional fees.) https://www.rencomgroup.com/page/collateral
  • Current Ad PDF if necessary
  • Coupon/Coupon Code discount amounts

Logging In & Store Information

  • Your login URL is www.yourstoredomain.com/admin
  • Type or copy/paste the username (email address) and password that you were issued
  • If you do not have a username and password, please contact [email protected]
  • On the Dashboard login screen (www.yourstoredomain.com/admin), click "Forgot Password" and follow the prompts to have a new randomized password emailed to you
  • Once you've logged in with the temporary password, click on the "Settings" icon in the top right and navigate to POS > My Profile
  • Input your desired password and click "Submit" when complete
  • Please note: We do not store passwords for security purpose, should you need to reset your password in the future please follow the above steps
  • A user is any person who has access to the Dashboard and/or RenARK App of your Renaissance website
  • Log in to the Dashboard of your website, click on the "Settings" icon in the top right and navigate to POS > Users > Users
  • Click "Add New+" complete all required fields and use the informative tooltips located in this area to guide you through the process
  • There are pre-created User Groups to choose from (Truck Driver, Retailer & Salesperson). Retailer is the most commonly used and allows access to the entire website. You can create your own specified User Group as needed.
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Log in to the Dashboard of your website, click on the "Settings" icon in the top right and navigate to POS > Users > User Groups
  • Click "Add New+" and assign a name to the group as well as the areas of access they are permitted to have
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • To apply this new User Group to a User, please see "How do I add a new User?"
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website, click on the "Settings" icon in the top right and navigate to CMS > Store Setup > Store Locations
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon where you can change the current location information and latitude/longitude coordinates. Please be sure to reference Google Maps for accurate coordinates.
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website, click on the "Settings" icon in the top right and navigate to CMS > Store Setup > Store Locations
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon where you can change the store hour details. Please note, store hours are in military time.
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website, click on the "Settings" icon in the top right and navigate to CMS > Store Setup > Store Locations
  • Click "Add New+" complete all required fields and use the informative tooltips located in this area to guide you through the process
  • Please be sure to reference Google Maps for accurate latitude/longitude coordinates
  • Please note, store hours are in military time
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website, click on the "Settings" icon in the top right and navigate to CMS > Store Setup > Store Profile
  • Under the Store Information section, update the "Support Email" field
  • Under the Contact Person section, update the "Person Email" field
  • Please note that all email addresses in the above fields must be an @yourstoredomain.com email addresses otherwise website communication to your email will be sent to spam
  • Click "Submit" when complete

Markups, MSRP & Manual Pricing

  • A markup is a percentage added to your products base price resulting in the retail price shown on your website
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Pricing > Markup
  • Click the "Markup Calculator" tab to learn about the variety of markups available, margins vs. markups and how they all work together
    • This Markup Calculator allows you to see how different Markup combinations will affect the prices on your website. To use the Markup Calculator, enter a Base Price, enter any applicable Markups, select your Rounding Option, and click Calculate. The Calculated Retail Price and Profit Margin will display at the bottom.
  • To set a Markup, use the informative tooltips located in this area to guide you through the process
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price is a merchandising tool which adds a percentage of your choice to your product's retail price to show a "before" and "after" price, this does not impact any Markups in place
  • To add an MSRP, login to your Dashboard and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Pricing > Markup and use the informative tooltips located in this area to guide you through the process
  • Click "Submit" when complete

How a Markup Works
A markup is a percentage added to your cost (or "Base Price") to generate a retail price. The basic formula is:
Base Price + (Base Price x Markup Percentage) = Retail Price
Example: Let's say that a product costs $500 and you have a 75% Markup
500 + (500 x 75%)
500 + (375) = 875
In our example, the retail price would be $875, which would then be rounded based on the Rounding Option selected.

Types of Markups
Brand Markup: This markup is applied to all products within a Brand, such as Signature Design by Ashley, Benchcraft, Furniture of America, Coaster Furniture, etc.
Category Markup: This markup is applied to all products within a Category, such as Living Rooms, Bedrooms, Dining Rooms, etc.
Default Markup: This markup is applied to all products on your website.

How Markups Work Together
If multiple types of Markups are applied to the same product, the calculator follows this formula:
Base Price x (Brand Markup + Category Markup) x Default Markup
Example: a product has a $500 Base Price and the website is applying a 5% Brand Markup, a 10% Category Markup, and a 75% Default Markup. The $500 Base Price is first marked up by the combined Brand and Category Markups (15%) to get $575. Then the Default Markup (75% in our example) is applied to the marked up Base Price to get the Retail Price of $1006.25. This price is then rounded and displayed on your website.

Markup vs. Margin
Though the concepts are similar, Markup and Margin are not the same, and using the terms interchangeably will cause confusion when pricing your website. Here are how they differ.
Markup: a percentage added to the Base Price to generate a retail price
Markup Formula: Base Price + (Base Price x Markup Percentage) = Retail Price
Margin: the percentage of the retail price that is the retailer's profit
Margin Formula: (Retail Price - Base Price)/Retail Price = Profit Margin

  • Login to the Dashboard and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products
  • Click on the "Tools" button and select "Export Product Pricing" from the list
  • Within the Excel, update Column F "Manual Retail Price"
    • Please note: Manual Retail Price is the only column that can be updated on this file as the remaining information is generated by the PIM which is fed to your website and the Markups in place
    • Please note: Manual Retail Price overrides markups and future base pricing updates that are fed through to your website. If you make manual pricing changes it is the responsibility of your team to manage them
  • If you wish to update Markups, please see Markups & MSRP FAQ "What is a Markup and how to I update it?"
  • Once all changes have been made, the Excel file must be saved as a .XLS and then you may import it back into the Dashboard using "Import Product Pricing" within "Tools" of the Products area of the Dashboard

Promotions & Coupons

  • Promotions are any merchandising tags applied to a given product or set of products on your RenCommerce website
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Promotions
  • Click "Add New+" complete all required fields and use the informative tooltips located in this area to guide you through the process
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon and navigate to the "Promotions" tab
  • Click "Add Promotions" then select the promotion of your choice, set the scheduling and product price if applicable to that promotion
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Product Catalog > Products
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon and navigate to the "Promotions" tab
  • Under "View Promotions" delete the promotion you wish to remove
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Promotions
  • In the top right corner, click "Tools" and select "Export Products Tagged with Promotions" to download the Excel with tagged products
  • On this Excel you can update existing promotional details or add products to existing or new promotions
  • Add desired SKU's to Column A and the desired Promotion Code to Column B
    • Please note that the Promotion Code column on the spreadsheet must match the Promotion Code column in the Promotions area of the Dashboard exactly
  • If you wish to update or remove a product's promotional pricing, under Column C "Promotion Price" update the price to the desired amount or replace the existing amount with a 0 and the pricing will be calculated as determined by your markup
  • If you wish to remove a product from a promotion, under Column I "Delete" change 0 to 1
  • Once all changes have been made, the Excel file must be saved as a .XLS and then you may import it back into the Dashboard using "Import Products Tagged with Promotions" within "Tools" of the Promotions area of the Dashboard
  • If you wish to see a sample of how the spreadsheet should be filled out, you may export the file "Download Sample Product Promotion File" within "Tools" of the Promotions area of the Dashboard
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Pages
  • Under the "Actions" column, click the "Edit" icon and navigate to the "Template" field and click the drop-down
  • Scroll to "Promotion Template" and select the desired promotion
  • Click "Submit" when complete
  • As you update the given promotion, the page will update as well
  • Information for adding content to a page can be found under CMS Pages FAQ "How do I create a new CMS Page?"
  • Information for adding/removing a link to the menu can be found under Menu FAQ "How do I add/remove a link in a menu?"
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to POS > Catalog > Merchandising > Promotions
  • Click on "Assign Product Sort Order"
  • Choose promotions from the "Available Promotions" section by clicking the checkbox and then clicking "Add". The selections will appear to the right where you can drag and drop to sort the promotions in the order that you want them to appear with the category thumbnail area of the website.
  • When completed, click "Save"
  • Please Note: The above can also be done to sort brands within this same area and following the same steps.
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website, navigate to CRM > Targeted Marketing > CRM Modules > Coupon and click on "Add New+"
  • Under the "General Settings" tab, all required information is marked with a red "*" and there are tooltips next to each field to assist you should you have additional questions
  • Under the "Price Setting" tab you will see the options for the type of coupon that you can create (Discount, Shipping or Tax). All required information is marked with a red "*" and there are tooltips next to each field to assist you should you have additional questions
  • Under the "Restriction Setting" you can set the terms of your coupon. All required information is marked with a red "*" and there are tooltips next to each field to assist you should you have additional questions
  • You may display your coupons on a page, within the menu and/or as a banner graphic
  • Login to the Dashboard of your website and navigate to CMS > Appearance > Pages
  • Click "Add New+", navigate to the "Template" field and click the drop-down
  • Scroll to "Module Template" and select "Coupon". This will allow all active coupons that you've set to be visible on the front end of the website to appear on this page. You must first add content to the editor before you can save the page
  • Information for adding content to a page can be found under CMS Pages FAQ "How do I create a new CMS Page?"
  • Click "Submit" after you've selected the template and added the page content
  • As you update the coupons, the page will update as well
  • Information for adding/removing a link to the menu can be found under Menu FAQ "How do I add/remove a link in a menu?"
  • Information for uploading and linking banners can be found under the Banners FAQ's "How do I upload banners?" and "How do I link a banner to a page on my website?" respectively